Makeup Tricks And Tips To Copy

Hello ladies! Are you looking for some helpful makeup tricks and tips? In this article, we are going to share with you some of the easiest DIY makeup tricks and tips that every woman should know. We are sure that once you explore them, and then later try them, you will make up yourself professionally as you have already visited a makeup studio.

1. DIY natural brush cleaner

Looking for DIY tricks and tips on properly cleaning your makeup brushes? Here we will present you with a super easy and natural DIY brush cleaner. For this project you will need the following tools:

  • Your makeup brushes
  • A cup of hot water
  • Two teaspoons of distilled white vinegar

The steps:

  1. First, boil a cup of water and then pour two teaspoons of vinegar into it.
  2. Dip the brush in the solution you have already made.
  3. Swirl the brush around gently against the bottom of the glass.
  4. Once you are done rinse the brush under running hot water.
  5. Then, rinse again under running cold water.
  6. If necessary re-shape the bristles.
  7. Finally, place the brush flat so it can dry without the water seeping inside and breaking the glue that holds the bristles together.

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2. Makeup brushup

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3. Return the liquid formula to your old and dry mascara

If you have a mascara that seems to have lost its liquid formula forever here are some makeup tricks and tips to revive it again. One of those tricks is the hot water trick. Fill your coffee mug with hot water. Tip the tube of mascara into the mug and leave it in for a few minutes. The heat will do miracles to your mascara. It will soften the dried solution and your mascara will return to its liquid formula. Also, if your wand is loaded with dry and flaky solution, then you can run it under hot water until it gets squeaky clean. Then, dip it back into the tube. The warmed-up wand will moisten the mascara solution returning its liquid formula.

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4. DIY Crayon Lipsticks to Make at Home

If you can’t find the right shade of lipstick, then you can make it on your own! In this article, we are sharing with you some makeup tricks and tips on how to DIY crayon lipstick in your favorite shade.

To make one shade of crayon lipstick, you will need:

  • One whole crayon
  • ½ teaspoon coconut oil
  • ¼ teaspoon olive oil or other vegetable oil
  • Paper towels
  • A small glass bowl or a jelly jar that has an opening big enough to put your hand into it
  • A cutting board covered with a paper towel
  • A butter knife
  • A pot to boil water in
  • A tool for stiting
  • A mold of some kind for the lipstick you will make

The steps:

  1. First, choose the color of a crayon for the lipstick.
  2. Peel the paper label off. You can run it under warm water for a few seconds if you want to easily remove it.
  3. Fill the pot with water and turn the heat on high so that you get the water boiling.  Reduce the heat to low to medium, so that the water keeps boiling.
  4. Put ½ teaspoon of coconut oil and ¼ of olive oil in the glass jar.
  5. Cover the cutting board with a paper towel so you don’t get crayons all over the board. Then, carefully, using the butter knife, cut the crayon into small pieces.
  6. Put the small crayon pieces into the small glass jar along with the coconut oil and olive oil.
  7. Set the glass jar carefully down in the pot with the boiling water.
  8. Use the chopstick to stir the crayon pieces and the oils together.
  9. Keep stirring until the crayon is all melted.
  10. Then, pour the mixture into the mold and leave it to harden enough.
  11. Once it hardens enough, you can use your new DIY lipstick. Enjoy the shade!

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5. DIY Eye Make-Up Remover

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6. Homemade Biore Strips

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7. Beauty Trick: Broken Eye Shadow Quick Fix

Cracked eye shadow is a real hell. However, once it gets cracked, you don’t need to worry at all, because you can repair it, without any need to buy a new one. There are so many makeup tricks and tips that you can try in order to fix your cracked eye shadow. Here, we have selected the easiest of them all. For it, you will need your broken eye shadow and rubbing alcohol.

The steps to follow:

  1. First, pour a little rubbing alcohol into the eye shadow container. Do not pour too much. Instead, try to pour a few drops, enough so that the shadow is saturated.
  2. Smooth out the mixture using your finger, a spoon, or a wooden stick. Flat-it out.
  3. Wait for a few hours so that the shadow hardens completely.
  4. Once it is hard enough, you can use your old repaired shadow.

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8. Your Foolproof Concealer Map

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9. How to DIY Eyebrow Threading

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10. Beauty hacks- the quick trick for curlier lashes

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