Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks

Hey dear ladies how many times has happened to you to ruin your whole day because of a little mistake on your outfit. I m sure that every one has the same problem and believe me I was so nervous when something happened to my clothes and I’m not at home to change. Until I decide to search around the internet and find some clever and very useful ideas and tricks that really make my life easier. So now I m happy to share with you these 13 awesome and super useful fashion emergency hacks from which you will learn how to fix fashion emergencies and always be happy. Take a look below and never let the simple mistakes and things on your clothes ruin your day. Just follow the tips below and everything will be fine always.

Nowadays, fashion has come down to buying exclusively branded things, unlimited and completely pointless combinations of them. But do not forget about that famous maxim – “Fashion is fleeting, and style is eternal”. That’s why we come across more and more girls on the street for whom the only thing that matters is that they “put on” some expensive cloth, which cost a fortune, but which, despite that, looks very cheap on them. Girls do not understand that the problem is not in the lack of quality (although there is some of that!), but in the attitude with which that expensive cloth is worn. That’s why today we decided to deviate a little from the rules and present you with 13 fashion hacks that are completely free and that will make you look amazing.

Fashion Emergency Hacks That Every Girl Should Know

There is no need to buy new clothes every time. Apply the following tricks and you will get new combinations. New trends are born from day to day and it is completely impossible to follow, with most budgets being limited and shopping from week to week or month to month is not acceptable. But in order to keep up with the trends and the old wardrobe, we recommend that you apply the following three emergency hacks, that will refresh the existing wardrobes in your closet and give them a new look. How many times have you found yourself in a situation where you were in the office or rushing to an important meeting, and the fashion combination did not match the atmosphere at all?

This can completely ruin your day! With that in mind, we’ve tried and tested 13 life-saving fashion emergency hacks for you, when it comes to clothing issues. See how simple and in just a few minutes you can look like from the magazines.

1.Or buy a converter

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

2. Stop a run in your tights with clear nail polish

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

3.Get Rid of Static Cling by Rubbing Dryer Sheets on Your Clothes

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

4.Racerback Bra Clips

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source


Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

6.Flatiron can press-out tiny wrinkles

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

7.Practice twist tie for your loose buttons

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

8.How To Break In Your New Shoes Over Night!

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

9.Get rid of shoe grazes from leather shoes by toothpaste

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

10.Tighten your sunglasses with a dab of clear nail polish

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

11.Make patent leather shoes shiny again with a little bit of glass cleaner

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

 12. Pencil eraser can comfort to grip earring in place

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

13.To service sooth blisters use deodorant spray

Top 13 Fashion Emergency Hacks source

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