7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms

We all are with busy schedule especially when we become parents. Simply we can forget about our style and beauty for one simple reason- we are always short with the time. But dear ladies we are here to make your life easier and we made a short list of hair tips that will change your life. Keep your hair beautiful on the easy no time ways. Watch the tips below and enjoy!

1.Deep condition with coconut oil.

You can condition during the day for about three hours, or simply put the coconut oil on your hair before bed and wash out in the morning. First Separate hair into super-tiny sections. than rub coconut oil all through strands, really focusing on mid-length and ends of hair.
Wrap your hair up in a bun and let condition for three hours then shampoo twice to rinse all the oil out. If doing an overnight treatment, you will need to put a towel under your head or you can use a head wrap.

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

2.Use some baby powder.

If you are so busy and if the time is an issue you do not need to worry your hair can be beautiful without spending some extra time for washing. Or maybe  you have light hair, dust some baby powder onto your roots. It dries up the oiliness and adds a nice, fresh scent.7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

3.Skip the shampoo this morning

Wash only half your hair — in the sink. This tip may sound wacky, but it still works. Make sure you concentrate on your roots. This quick, half-shampoo will give you enough time to still blow-dry and get out the door!

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

4.Grab your toothbrush!

Tame those flyaways by spraying some hairspray on your toothbrush and brushing those stubborn hairs down.

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

5.Grab a lone sock.

Every mom has the problem with running out of hair accessories and if you think to make a quick bun that this is definitely a good time to start using your socks. I think that at least you can find one at home.

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

6.Dry and style your hair at the same time

Conair Inifniti styling brush that dries your hair, styles your hair and adds volume and shine.

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

7.Grab beautiful curls the quick way.

Pull your hair up into a ponytail and quickly curl large strands of hair. Take out your pony-tail and enjoy your super-quick, feminine curls!

7 Super Useful Time Saving Hair Tips For Busy Moms source

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