When you are planning your clothing combination and outfit, maybe you do not pay special attention to nails, and it is a big mistake that you are making. Even if you have short nails, they can be designed on a way that you would be in a latest trend, and you would be totally “in”.
All you need is a good manicure, hand-cream and a trendy nail painting. This year it is trendy anything that is not discreetly. So, when it comes to the nail painting try the metallic nails.
The world went crazy after the appearance of the new modern manicure – nails with metallic and metallic-mirror effect! And it is clearly why: despite the are good looking on the hands, they will serve as some mini-mirrors. In addition of being trendy and crazy, they can be matched with any color and any combination. Metallic nails will add shine to your fashion combination and will spice up your look.