13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Try

Are you always in a rush in the morning and you have not got enough time to make your hair well? Those times are behind. We are sharing with you some helpful DIY hairstyle tutorials to try. Don’t miss copying them when you wake up in the morning tomorrow. They won’t take you more than 10 minutes. Here are the tutorials.

DIY half-up braided hairstyle

If you are a fan of curly hairstyles then you will certainly adore the following DIY hairstyle. We are going to show you how to do a half-up braided crown in a few steps. Here we go:

  1. First, part your hair down the middle. Gather together a large section of the half on the side.
  2. Braid each section. Start loosely at the top. Then continue working backward in the direction that you want the braid to go. When you braid the entire section of hair, secure it with elastic. Repeat the same with the other side.
  3. Cross the first braid behind your head so that the braid swoops down the nape of the neck.
  4. Pint in place using Bobby pins. Repeat the same with the other side.
  5. Your half-braided crown hairstyle is finished!

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

How to style a twisted side ponytail

Are you looking for some creative way to style a ponytail? Then you are absolutely ready for this DIY hairstyle presented below. We are sharing with you some easy-to-do step-by-step tutorials on how to style a twisted ponytail. Here are the steps:

  1. First, pin a small section of hair at the back of the neck (the same way you style a classic ponytail).
  2. Continue pulling small sections of the hair across and pin them along the base of your neck.
  3. Continue doing the same until you can gather the hair into a side ponytail. Leave out a little section in the front.
  4. Tie off the ponytail.
  5. Wrap the remaining hair around the pony on a way to cover the hairband. Voila, your DIY hairstyle is done!

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

DIY messy French twist hairstyle

Get inspired to DIY your next messy French hairstyle with the following tutorial. In a few steps, you will get the most eye-catching hairstyle ever. Here we go with the instructions:

  1. First, prep your hair with a hair spray. Try to spray generously and then quickly blow-dry in a cold setting and dry with your fingers.
  2. Take a comb and start teasing the crowd section.
  3. Using your fingers, lightly comb all the hair back like you do when you are about to do a mid-ponytail.
  4. Keep rolling until you reach the head. Poof out the crown a bit and loosen it up.
  5. Once you get the desired shape, go ahead and pin the twist to the rest of the hair.
  6. Use Bobby pins to pin through the hair so you don’t flatten the twist.
  7. Spray again to lock it down. You are done!

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

Fishtail braid hair tutorial

This fishtail braid DIY hairstyle tutorial is one of the easiest to do. You will instantly get an elegant hairstyle that you can rock both for elegant and casual occasions. Here are the steps you need to follow to get this hairstyle:

  1. First, backcomb you’re the crown of your hair. Then tissue the hair, to make the hair sticky for starting the fishtail.
  2. Gather a small handful of hair from the back center of the hair.
  3. Separate the hair into two sections.
  4. Take a small part of the hair from the right section and pull it back and cross it over to join the left half-section.
  5. Then take a small strand from the left section and repeat the same procedure but to the other side.
  6. Repeat the same steps all way down the back of the head.
  7. When you are done, secure with a hair tie. Your fishtail will look amazing.

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

DIY bow-fishtail hairstyle

Are you ready for one of the most eye-catching DIY hairstyle ideas ever? You may think that getting the hairstyle done is a little hard, but believe us, it is not at all. All you need to do is to follow the step-by-step tutorial. Here we go with the steps:

  1. The first thing to do is to make the ponytail bow. It is the easiest step.
  2. Backcomb around the crown of your head. Pull into elastic in the upper mid-section of your head.
  3. Pull out a piece of hair that is thick enough to create a bow. Spray with hair spray.
  4. Using a small elastic pull the section of the hair you sprayed to create the first loop. Then repeat the same to create the other loop.
  5. Fluff the bow loops to create a little more body.
  6. Once you have created the bow, start making the fishtail braid. Braid the hair in a fishtail braid until there is no more hair left. We have already shared with you so many ways how to braid a fishtail. Re-read them!
  7. Once your fishtail braid is done, secure with elastic. Your bow-fishtail hairstyle is done!

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Try 13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

13 Stylish DIY Hairstyle Tutorials To Trysource

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