Finding the perfect wedding venue for your special day means more than just finding a pretty location with a serene backdrop. The perfect venue will not only look great, but it will operate effectively and efficiently, ensuring your wedding runs as seamlessly as possible. We’ve collated our top 5 red flags to watch out for when you are choosing your dream wedding venue.
- They don’t do many weddings
If the venue hasn’t done many weddings before, it’s likely they won’t know the first thing to do when it comes to your special day. Research attractive venues that specialise in weddings, such as wedding venues overlooking the waterfront, so you and the venue are not caught off guard. This ensures that the venue and their staff know exactly what a wedding entails, what is expected and can be prepared for things if they do go wrong.
- Overly complicated contracts
Of course, a contract is absolutely necessary to ensure your venue and all the relevant details are locked in by law. And so by the same token, the contract for your wedding venue is going to be comprehensive, likely several pages long. However, be wary of overly complicated contracts that could trying to trick you. Keep an eye out for weird clauses that confuse you and details lacking specifics. IF the contract is confusing, it may be worthwhile having a lawyer or legal practitioner look over it, to ensure you aren’t in for any nasty surprises.
- Too many added costs
More often than not, the advertised price tag of the venue is not what you’re going to end up paying. There will be added costs that you might want to incur, however if the list of these become too long, your venue might be trying to swindle you out of your hard earned cash. if the venue says they’re going to charge for things like access to bathrooms or the parking lot, you can bet they’ll tack on some unexpected costs. Be upfront and honest with what you expect and what you’re paying. That way, you can stick to your wedding budget.
- Unreliable staff
This may seem like an obvious one, but nevertheless it is an extremely point to take heed of. When inspecting the venue, see how the staff and managers operate, as this is going to affect your overall day. If the staff cannot provide the communication and service you need, this is a major red flag.
- Bad reviews
These days, anyone with a temper and a keyboard can get online to write a bad review – keep this in mind. However, it’s also important to take note of credible, detailed reviews that can provide you with information about your wedding venue. Marketers and sales reps can make any venue sound like your dream location, so be sure to do your research. Take reviews and sales pitches with a pinch of salt, but definitely don’t completely ignore them.
Before you lock in your wedding location, check for these warning signs at the venue of your dreams. Watch out for the history of the venue, overly complicated contracts, too many added costs, unreliable staff and bad reviews. If you see any red flags, you might want to reconsider!