8 Useful Homemade Remedies We Should All Know

We all have some face or body problems we want to get rid of. But, sometimes the remedies can cost a fortune, and not everybody can afford them. That’s why we have tried to find some homemade, cheap and totally natural recepiess for remedies that will help you look and feel better.

1.Home made brithening face mask with lemon and turmeric

Every woman dreams about having beautiful, glowing and hydrated face skin. Some of the face skin products we all buy are very expensive and doesn’t give the willing effects. Now you can make a brigtening face mask in your home by using some ingredients we all have at home in any time. You need 3 tablespoons of rooled oats, 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and fresh lemon juice from one lemon. After mixing all the ingredients, apply the mask on your face and let it 15-20 minutes. After passing 2o minutes rinse it off with warm water. Your face skin will be thankful to you.

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2. Miracolous remedy for female hair loss problems- beer and egg yolk mask

If you tought that beer is a drink that has just the power to add some enthusiasm at the parties, you were wrong. This miraclous drink has the power to combat female hair loss too. If you don’t believe it, just try it. Mix half a glass of beer with one egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey and get the mixture that will put an end of your hair loss problem. Apply the mask on the entire lenght of your hair and keep it well covered with a plastic bag and a warm towl. Wait for 20 minutes, and then wash your hair with warm water. Repeat it several times and you will see a miraclous results.

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3. DIY onion remedy for longer and thicker hair

If you thought there wasn’t remedy for your thin hair, prepare yourself for a good news, you were wrong. There is a natural remedy for longer and thiker hair, and the best is that you can now DIY at your home.  You will need 4-5 onions cut into small pieces and a liter of water. boil the water in a pin with the onions in it for 10 minutes. Then wait until the water become cool and strain the onion water. When you wash your hair, rinse it after shampooing with the onion water. For better results you can repeat this procedure twice a week.

8 Useful Homemade Remedies We Should All Know source

4. Get rid of the wrinkles with a homemade natural cream

Wrinlkes are one of the women’s enemies number one. Women spent a fortune on expensive creams full of chemicals that don’t give  any results. We recomend you a homemade natural cream that is perfect for moisturizing, nourishing and cleaning the skin. There are a lot of ingredients you can use to get your perfect wrinkles mask, such as carrot seed oil, cocoa butter, honey, pineapple core, pomegranate, cucumber, papaya and others. All the ingredients have to be fresh, natuar and ripe.  Choose the best ingredient for your skin type an get rid of the wrinkles immidiately.

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5.  Toothpaste remedy to say goodbye to blackheads in less than half our

We all know wtah kind of nightmare can be blackheads. What we didn’t know was that there is a natural remedy we all can prepare at home and finally get rid of the awful blackheads.  The ingredients for this miraclous remedy are toothpaste, slat or baking soda and ice cubes. By mixing these ingredients you get a mixture you should apply on a wet skin, on the affected area. After letting it sit for a while, start massaging the area in circular motion with your fingers. Rinse your face and use the ice cubes to close facial pores. Repeat the procedure twice a week to remove all the blackheads and finally say goodbye to the problem.

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6. Ice treatement to get rid of the white fats of your body

We all have problems with fats on some area of our body. There are two types of fats, the brown ones and the white ones. One of the ways to reduse  white fats is to apply ice compesses to the areas of your body where you have fatty tissues. You can make this home and the results will be thrilling,  fats will be burnt and eliminated from the body and the skin will get cooled. This treatement can last for 30 to 60 minutes, and you can repeat it daily for 12 days.

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7. Only one vegetable to cure more than 100 disease- the miracle vegetable called God’s Gift

Have you already heard saying that onion is vegetable known as God’s gift? It has a numerous health benefits we should all know and use. It can help you to keep your heart more healty, prevents diseases such as cancer and lowers the danger of gastric ulcers due to the scavenge of unfastened radicals. One way you can use the onion to cure more than hundred diseases is to put asome onion slices at the bottom of your feet, an area of our body that is connected to all ours inner organs. Apter putting the flat circles onion slicesw, put your cotton socks on an go to sleep. Durinjg the night the onions will purify your blood and you will feel better than ever.

8 Useful Homemade Remedies We Should All Know source

8.Use this Natural Remedy to get rid of Face and Body Scars

We all have some scars, no matter if on our face or body, we want to get rid of.  If you belong to our team too, then you will be happy to hear that there is one easy to make and 100% natural homemade remedy that will help you to get rid of your ugly scars.  All you need for it is  4 tsp of lemon juice, 4 tsp of honey and one edd white. Blend these ingredients all together and apply the cream on the scar. Let it sit for 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water, Repeat the procedure daily for one month and you will start seeing the results.

8 Useful Homemade Remedies We Should All Know source

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