DIY Natural Solutions For Beauty Problems That Every Woman Should Try

Every woman dreams about looking beautiful. But, with getting older there are soime problems that appear  and some women loss their beauty selfconfidence. If you are one of them, then you would be happy to hear that there is a solution for every beauty problem. Below, we present you some of the biggest problems woman face with, and some natural solutions for them.

1. DIY Unflavoured gelatin mask to get rid of the fine lines

As people get older there are some inevitable beauty problems they face with. One of them is the appearance of fine lines. Almost every woman that enters the forties has this problem with fine lines in the area around the mouth and the eyes. One of the contrubutores of fine lines is the collagen loss. But, here is the solution for fine lines problem. A mask with unfloavoured gelatin and milk, two ingredients that contain collagen  to replace lost or weakned collagen in the skin.You can prepare this mask at your own home. All you need to do is  heat the unflavoured gelatin with a little bit of milk and stir until you get a non-drip paste. Then allow the past to cool and apply it all over face and neck. Wait about 15 or 20 minutes , peel the mask off and  rinse off any leftover residue. Pollow up with a drop of cocount oil to moisturize the skin.  These mask is a preety powerful.l so mdon’t use it more than twice a week.

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2. 14 day witch hazel challenge to get better face skin look

If you want to finally say goodbye to the  awful witches, this 14 day witch hazel challenge is the right thing for you to take. If you suffer from oily, acne-preone skin, then don’t doubt any more and take this challange that will completly turn your skin around like nothing else.  Witch hazel has bees used since years ago to treat a slew skin ailments such as skin iritations, redness, acne and tumors. These challenges helps you to ger rid of the witches  by using the witch hazel  for 14 days. All you have to do is to apply the toner every morning and evening after cleasing your face, using a cotton pad. Then repeat the same procedure for two weeks and the results will be more than evident.  Your face skin will be completely transformed.

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3.  Home method to get whiter teeth

You all dream about white teeth as the big film stars have? Sometimes the treatement for whitening the teeth can cost a fortune, and some people can’t allow themselves to spent that amount of money to a whitening theet treatements. The good news are thet now you can make a home treatement to get yout teeth whiter, withoute having to spend a dolar. All you need  is 1tbs coconut oil, 1/2 tbs turmeric and a drop of peppermint essential oil (optional). Mix all the ingredients together until combined, and apply to toothbrash. Then brush your theet as normjal, for about 2 minutes. Repeat it every morning and every night and your theet will be whiter  and whiter every next day.


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4. Egg white mask to  say goodbye to the fine lines

One of the dissadventages of getting older is the appearance of fine line in the area  around mouth and eyes that remember you every single day that you are not young anymore.  But, one of the good things are that there are a lot of natural homemade masks that will help you to get your younger look for a while. One of them i sthe famous egg white mask  that removes dead skins and fills in the fine lines and wrinkles. How to prepare it? It’s so easy. All you have to do is simply mix 1 edd white, lemon juice and 1 tsp raw honey. Then apply the mask over the face and neck, and leave it on for 15-20  minutes.

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5. Miracolous egg white mask to make a face lift at your own home

We all know that the natural is the best to eat, right? Then why we  have to spend a fortune on lotions and masks that contains so many chemicals and apply the on our skin? We can have an natural home made masks that have the power to give us the desirable effect for a better skin look.  This masks are easy to do, cheap and very effective. One of them is the famous egg white mask for  face lift. All the ingredients for it are 1 egg white, 2 tbsp freshly squeezed , organic lemon juice and 1-2 drops honey.  Mix them all together  and apply over the face and neck. Then leave for 30 minutes and rinse off with cold water. Pat dry and follow up with you favourite moisturizer. You can use tis mask every day, and  the results will be evident  after while.

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6. Home made treatement to fix your cracked feet

The summer is up to come, and the goodlooking feets are without doubt  part of our perfect summer outfit. Sometimes trying to ger super soft feet can be  such a painful thing. But, not always. Here is one way to fix cracked feet  fast and without feeling any pain. The needed ingredients are 1/4 cup Listerine, 1/4 cup vinegar and 1/2 sup hot water. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl big enough to put your feet in. Let your feet soak for 15v minutes and rinse off with a cloth. The dead skin will practically fall right off. Then apply a thick foot cream or any other oil and massage throughly into your feet. Put a pair of soft, comfy socks on and let the lotion penetrate your skin. Your feet fill look soft and beautiful, and ready for the summer.

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7.  The  usage of  Vaseline to get rid of the borring wrinkles

We all want to look young and beautiful, but by getting older there appear som beauty face enemies such as wrinkles.  We all want ro get rid of them, and try different creams and lotions for that purpouse. One of those creams is the Vaseline. It’s a petroleum jelly, and is the most important brand of petroleum jelly in the world.  We all use it as lip balm, but only a few of us know about its wonders for wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.  This is because petroleum jelly has a high molecular weight that can create an impenetrable film on your skin. This keeps out any dirt and pollutants from the environment out, while letting moisture in.  After reading this I am sure you will defenitely try a Vaseline as a cream to get rid of wrinkles.

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8. DIY miracle hair repair mask

If you want your hair to look beautiful and  shine, then this DIY miracle hair repair is just the perfect for you.  The secret  ingredient  that makes your hair look liscious is the coconut oil. To prepare this miracle hair repair mask you will need 100% organic coconut oil and a wet, warm towel.  To get good results, apply  about a tablespoon onto dry, unwashed hair. Massage gently into scalp for a few minutes. Then, wet a light, microfibe towel using hot water and wrap it around your hair. Leave the towel on for 20 minutes.  Then remove the towel  and shampoo your hair as you would normally do. Your hair will look maravilous. You can repeat this procedure for twice a week to get better results.

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