If You Ever Notice Your Kids Sitting Like THIS, Stop Them Immediately! Here Is Why!

The sitting position we are talking about is called the ‘W’ sitting position. You can see the position in the photo below.
If any of you grew up sitting like this, or have kids sitting like this when they are watching TV, or playing with other children, this is something to be concerned about.
It is really common to see children sitting in the “W” position, and I have to admit that I always thought that indicated good flexibility. However, this position can lead to some really serious orthopedic conditions, as it prevents kids from being able to shift their weight and achieve what is called “trunk rotation”.

If You Ever Notice Your Kids Sitting Like THIS, Stop Them Immediately! Here Is Why!source
This may not sound too serious but the consequences in their later life will be detrimental to their overall development. Things like catching a ball effectively won’t be easy at all, in fact any sport that requires balancing skills will prove difficult.

Core strength is absolutely crucial, our bodies can do amazing things, so it is important that we look after them as best as we can. Sometimes we just need to be clued up better on how to look after ourselves.
Additionally, W-sitting causes actual shortening and tightening of the hip and leg muscles, causing the child to be “pigeon-toed” when he walks. This will eventually lead to complications of back and pelvic pain as they grow.

The video you are about to watch below will help to explain both the physiological dangers of allowing your child to sit in the “W” position, as well as the impairment to properly developing motor skills.

See below more information why you must stop your child sitting in this position and share this useful information with your friends

Movement Rx

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