The Best DIY Body Lotion Recipes To Try At Home

Every day you come across a variety of chemicals that are present in your body lotions and in a variety of body milk. In order for you to get rid of them, we will give you a few body oils made from natural ingredients. So consider the gallery that we prepared for you and choose the best one.

1.Homemade Body Wash For Sensitive Skin

You will need ½ cup of Shea butter, ½ cup of almond oil, 1 cup of liquid castile soap, 10 drops of rose essential oil for this body lotion. First in the microwave oven steam the butter. Then mix the almond oil into the butter. Give the castle soap and autumn rose oil. Mix well and place the resulting mixture in a bottle. Mix well before mixing. The shelf life of this gel is about 6 months.

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2. Homemade Body Wash For Dry Skin

Take 2 cups of unscented castile soap, 3 tablespoons of almond oil (1 tablespoon of lime juice), 1 cup of rose water and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil (you can even use citrus essential oils if you want). To make this body lotion, mix all together together in a bottle. Then apply to your body and rinse with warm water. The shelf life is about two weeks. This body lotion should be stored in a cool and dry place.

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3. Homemade Body Wash With Olive Oil

To do this recipe for your body you need ⅓ cup of castile soap, ⅓ cup of raw honey, ⅓ cup of olive oil and 30-60 drops of essential oils (use a mixture of oils such as sweet orange, vanilla, and lavender). Take a bottle and pour all the ingredients into it. Just add the essential oils at the end. Shake well the ingredients so it’s ready for use. This wash of the body has about a year’s use.

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4. Homemade Body Wash With Essential Oils

In a bowl stir 1½ cups of liquid castile soap, 4 teaspoons of glycerin, 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. First mix the caste soap, then add the glycerin. At the end, add the essential oils and mix well to obtain a liquid mixture. This mixture can be used for about a year.

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5.  Homemade Body Wash With Castile Soap And Glycerin

The necessary ingredients to make this recipe are the following ½ cup of liquid castile soap, 2 tablespoons of fractional coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil and 20-30 drops of citrus essential oil (you can use lemon, orange, or grapefruit oil).Pour the above ingredients into one bowl and mix well. After mixing the mixture, transfer it to a bottle with a pump. Shake the bottle before use.

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