10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier

Taking care for your health and body – the most important things. One of the popular activities now for taking care for your body is going to the GYM. A lot of advantages but you still not decide to go and you always find a reason to cancel it?
We want to help you and to make you want go to the gym right now.
With these hacks and super clever tips you will change your mind from now. We are pretty sure that when you see those hacks going to the GYM will become a part from your everyday life. Easy fun and useful just you need to see. Enjoy!

1.Store bobby pins inside an old Tic Tac container so you don’t lose them in your bag.

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

2.Use a clean contact case as a travel container for your liquid beauty products to save space in your bag.

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

3. Before your workout, apply a deep conditioner to the ends of your hair and then put it in a bun to treat dry ends while exercising

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easiersource

4.Use a slim glasses case as a miniature makeup bag for touch-ups after working out.

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

5. Secure your earrings through the holes of a button before tossing them in your bag so you don’t lose one.

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

6.Use a shower curtain ring as a hair tie holder so you don’t lose them.

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

7. Prevent your ponytail from slipping out during cardio with this three-step tutorial

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

8.Pack dry tea bags to put in your shoes after your workout to prevent them from smelling

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

9.Wrap the soles of your shoes with a plastic shower cap before packing them

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source

10.Sprinkle baking soda inside your smelly shoes to soak up sweat and odor

10 Smart Locker Room Hacks That Will Make Going to the Gym Much Easier source                Via

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