Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Both men and women get stretchmarks due to huge weight gain or loss, and we have to admit that they don’t look pretty. Women can get them in their pregnancies as well. But, I’m going to show you how to get rid of stretch marks naturally, so read on.

Aloe Vera

The aloe vera can help you greatly into removing the stretch mark from your skin because it has got lots of healing properties and quickly regenerate the skin. Take a leaf from the plant, take out the gel and gently massage it on the spot where you have got stretch marks. Make sure you leave it for half an hour before you wash it out. Repeat this every day.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Sugar Scrub

It’s time to make a homemade scrub that will make the stretch marks fade and disappear. You will need one cup of sugar, and 1/4 cup of coconut or almond oil. Mix these two together until you get a consistency of wet sand. Then add lemon juice and you are ready to apply the scrub on your skin while you are showering. Make sure you leave it on the skin for 10 minutes. Do this few times a week.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Egg Whites

Egg whites are rich with collagen and proteins and will help the skin bounce back from the stretch marks and make it more elastic. If you want to make it thicker, just add a coconut oil. Do this every day for a longer period of time and see how the stretch marks start to disappear.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Lemon and Cucumber  Juice

The acid in the lemon will help you get rid of the stretch marks and the cucumber will provide you the amazing soothing feeling that will make your skin appear fresh. Mix equal portions of lemon and cucumber juice and apply it on the marks on your skin. Leave it until it get soaked up and then wash it off with warm water.

Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally
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