Four Steps To Follow To Repair Your Damaged Hair This Summer

One of the best ways to look amazing all the time is to keep your hair well cared. Hair care treatment can cost a fortune if you go with a professional hair stylist, so we find alternative homemade hair mask to repair and keep your hair healthy. In this post we are giving you four steps to follow to repair your damaged hair this summer. The most of the masks we always advice you to use are 100% natural, prepared with natural ingredients. Coconut oil masks, honey mask, egg yolk masks etc are only few of the one that you can easily prepare at home and that will give you amazing results.

Cleanse Your Hair

To wash your hair you need Apple Cider Vinegar and Water. All you have to do is mix water and half liter of apple cider vinegar. Then moisten the hair and add the resulting mixture to it. Massage the scalp nicely. Leave to work for about 2-3 minutes. Then shampoo and rinse with warm water. The scent thanks to its enzymes and acidity, allows you to balance Pf on your hair, leaving the scalp always clean and healthy. .

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Repair Your Hair

Honey is an amazing product, which has many health benefits. When it comes to your hair, honey is a natural softener of hair that will solidify moisture in the hair. So, to make this honey mask easy and simple, you need only honey. Wash your hair first. Then put half a cup of honey in the hair. Massage gently and let it work for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure several times a week.

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Moisturize Your Hair

Another product that is quite great for your hair. And that’s coconut oil. There is no need to mix with another product. But if you want to use it in a liquid state you need to put it only a few minutes in the microwave. Then only apply from the mask on the scalp. Leave to work for about 20 minutes, or you can leave it for one night. Then apply your favorite shampoo and rinse with warm water.

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Strengthen And Grow

To prepare this mask for hair you need only one egg and olive oil. When using these ingredients together, they are perfect for getting strong hair that grows fast. All you have to do is to moisten your hair. Then combine 1 egg yolk with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mask on your hair, especially on the ends of your hair. Leave to sit for 30 minutes, then rinse your warm water.

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