Guideline on What NOT to Wear to Work

While some jobs have specifically defined dress code, there are others that give you more space when clothing is in question. There are thousand different jobs around the world, which means there are even more ways to dress for work. There are jobs that require more formal wear, and a dress code that must be followed. And there are those that are more liberal about the way you dress. At the end,  there is an unwritten rule that includes all the clothes that you must cut off of your work wardrobe.  You go to work to be taken serious, so you don’t want to appear on your job dressed as a clown. Although there is a big difference in the work you do, there are few guidelines that you must follow no matter your job. Below are presented some of them:

Guideline on What NOT to Wear to Work

Your best bet is to observe what co-workers wear.  That way you can define your personal style according theirs and you won’t stand out of the crowd.

Don’t wear leggings as pants. Don’t even wear leggings no matter the way you combine them. Leggings are for gym, not for work!

Don’t wear jeans every day. There are jobs that don’t let you wear jeans at all. If your job is not one of them, you can wear jeans once to twice a month, for example, on so called “casual Friday”, but no more than twice.

Guideline on What NOT to Wear to Work source

No bare shoulders. Your work place is not the most appropriate for so much nudity so cover up your shoulders when you go for work.

Definitely no flip flops. They are the best for the beach so doesn’t even dare to think that you can appear to work wearing flip flops. There are jobs that don’t let you war sandals too, so more closed shoes are always better choice for a job outfit.

No short skirts. There are written and unwritten rule about this. And the both are the same. Short skirts are for the club not for the job. So, forget the short skirts or shorts when going to work. A skirt should extend past your fingers tips if you want it to be a part of your job dress code.

To be a better dressed worker, please follow these rules. Good luck.

Guideline on What NOT to Wear to Work source

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