HGH Benefits for Skin and Hair: Transforming Your Appearance

In the quest for younger looking skin and fuller hair, some people will spend thousands of dollars every year. They will buy creams, vitamins, lotions, supplements, and various โ€œtoolsโ€ to help firm their skin and grow their hair. What many do not know is that the best way to do this is to give the body the tools it needs to accomplish this naturally. That is where the HGH benefits for skin and hair enter the picture to transform your appearance naturally.


If you have ever wondered why some people naturally retain their youthful appearance as they age, look to HGH. Human growth hormone is one of the bodyโ€™s most influential chemical messengers. Although everyone will experience a decline in HGH production with age, some people face a more rapid decrease. The lower your HGH levels get, the more likely it is that you will notice signs of physical aging.

These aging signs can include any or all of the following:

  • Age spots
  • Skin discoloration
  • Dry skin
  • Thinning of the skin layers
  • Wrinkles
  • Cellulite
  • Sagging skin
  • Thinning hair
  • Male pattern balding
  • Bald patches
  • Slow hair growth
  • Dry, brittle hair
  • Natural color turning to gray

The way that HGH helps skin and hair improve is by getting right to the source โ€“ cellular regeneration. Your skinโ€™s layers and hair require an abundant supply of new cells each day. Without a plentiful production of these cells, you will begin to notice the changes listed above.

HGH Benefits for Skin and Hair: Transforming Your Appearance

Benefits of HGH for Collagen and Elastin Production for the Skin

Your skin is made up of three distinct layers that all require cells:

  • Epidermis โ€“ top layer made up of keratinocytes. These skin cells are the ones that you see flake away when you scratch your arm. It may take as long as five weeks for these cells to reach the surface.
  • Dermis โ€“ the middle skin layer is where you find collagen and fibers of elastin. Nerve fibers and blood vessels are other features of this layer of the skin.
  • Hypodermis โ€“ the bottom skin layer houses the subcutaneous fat that insulates the body and protects it against injury.

We find HGH benefits on skin elasticity brought about by increased cellular regeneration. Human growth hormone stimulates the production of the bodyโ€™s many types of cells. It is aided in this process by another hormone called insulin growth factor 1. IGF-1 comes primarily from the liver after it receives signals from HGH. When human growth hormone levels are low, the liver reduces IGF-1 secretion. Since these two hormones are the primary stimulators of cell reproduction, maintaining their supply is crucial.

As your cell production improves with hgh therapy, you will notice an increase in both collagen and elastin. Here are the HGH benefits for skin you will experience:

  • Increased Collagen โ€“ collagen helps to thicken the skin. HGH stimulates type 1 collagen found in connective tissues.
  • Improved Elastin โ€“ elastin increases skin elasticity, just like it sounds. You need elastin to help make the skin pliable and resistant to injury and tearing.

Decreasing Wrinkles and Firming the Skin with HGH

HGH Benefits for Skin and Hair: Transforming Your Appearance

As collagen and elastin supplies increase, you will notice incredible tightening HGH effects on skin appearance. Collagen helps to reduce the appearance of sagging and wrinkles by plumping the skinโ€™s layers. Along with that, the visual appearance of cellulite will also start to decline. Your skin will become firmer and tighter โ€“ producing a more youthful look.

Another benefit is the fading of any age spots or discoloration you might have. Your skin naturally becomes younger-looking without all those expensive creams. At the same time that you are experiencing these HGH benefits for skin tone, you will also be helping your body in many other ways. Energy, metabolism, immunity, libido, and brain functions all reap the benefits of human growth hormone therapy.

Of course, there is more to HGH benefits for the skin other than just how you look. While your youthful appearance is important to you, the benefits to the body from your skin are even more astounding.

You see, the skin is what protects the body from incoming invaders such as germs and viruses. The older you get, the thinner your skin layers become. That makes you a target for bacteria. One small scratch will take much longer to heal. You succumb more easily to infection. HGH helps to protect the skin, and therefore the body, against these germs. Human growth hormone also helps your skin heal faster by sending an increased supply of inflammatory cells to form a blood clot. Following this step, HGH helps increase the proliferation of keratinocytes that work from the inside out to restore the skinโ€™s surface. Doctors have used HGH to help speed healing with skin grafts for burn victims.

Thicker Hair and Improved Hair Growth with HGH

Keratinocytes are not just for the skin. As we continue to explore the HGH effects on skin and hair, we find that each hair strand is also made up of keratinocytes. Inside the base of the hair follicle, a new bulb begins to form. The bulb is made up of living cells (keratinocytes) that divide and grow. As the new hair shaft forms, a lack of keratinocytes will cause it to become thinner than the previous hair strand. The result is a weaker hair that can fall out faster and grow slower.

Your blood vessels ferry a continual supply of hormones in the blood to help nourish the cells as they grow and divide. When prescribed HGH therapy for growth hormone deficiency, your hair begins to reap the benefits of improved cell regeneration. Each hair strand will receive an increased supply of blood cells, hormones, and keratinocytes.

The final way in which HGH helps the hair is by increasing the supply of cells the provide the pigment for the strand. As the new hair shaft pushes up through the layers of the skin, it passes through pigment cells that give the melanin necessary for hair color. An absence of these melanocytes leads to the loss of color and gray hair. That is why so many people report a return of their natural color six months into HGH therapy.

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