Important Guidelines To Create The Perfect Engagement Ring Selfie

The modern way of living nowadays includes sharing almost all of our happiest private moments on social media. There are so many things you can see on social media as Instragram, Facebook etc. from happy to not that happy moments. No matter if all that is ok or not, we are not going to enter in the positive and negative consequences of such a media exposition.  The fact is that, we all want to share some happy moment of our life with our virtual friends, and our advice is when you do it, do it at the best way possible.

One of the most important moments in our life is, of course getting married. And, naturally, you would share this significant moment of your way on the Internet by posting a photo of your wedding ring. A text such “ I said yes” always comes together with the perfect photo showing your hands with the ring brightening on your hand. But, the question is how to choose the perfect photo from all those hundred you probably did? Well, the answer is right bellow. We are presenting you some important guidelines to create the perfect engagement ring selfie. Follow them:

Get a manicure

This is definitely a must! You would probably not be happy to show your magnificent engagement ring on your finger, with chipped nail polish or broken nail. So, before your engagement ring selfie, visit your local nail salon, and make your perfect engagement manicure. For such an occasion, you should go for some red or dark red shade, or opaque pink, instead of bold blue, green or black shade, so that the center piece of the photo that will take the whole attention is your ring, not your manicure.

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Include your fiancé

The ring definitely goes in the primary focus, but including your fiancé in the photo will give the photo more importance. You are going to start a new life with the man of your life and it is logical to want to show him in front of the whole world.


Important Guidelines To Create The Perfect Engagement Ring Selfie  source

Focus, don’t zoom

Another smart phone option that distorts the clarity of the photos is the zoom option. While taking your engagement ring selfie don’t use this option if you want to get clear photo showing your shining ring.

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Try different angles and poses

There are many options how you can take the best ring selfie. You should take more photos, try different angles and try different poses, until you find the one that will give a special touch of your significant moment in life. Experiment with different poses, that will put your ring in the focus of the photo.

Take a lot of photos, but use only one

You will of course take a lot of photos from absolutely every moment of the engagement, and you should keep them in your private gallery, but when posting on the Internet, you should use only one of all of them. Choose the one that encapsulates your love and the excitement you and your fiancé feel in that moment.

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Pick a pretty background

The background is another detail that you must take in mind when taking a engagement ring selfie. You can choose some memorable background with some nature motives, some significant building your fiancé took you to, or some romantic environment where he asked you the faithful question.

Important Guidelines To Create The Perfect Engagement Ring Selfie source

 Don’t use flash when taking the photo

The best photo result of a engagement ring selfie that you can get is the one taken on daylight or before the sunset. Never use a flash photography because it will destroy the whole lightening of the color, and you don’t want that to happen, right? What you want is a ring sparkling, so make such a photo.

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