Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Dear ladies if you love to DIY then you definitely need to see this tutorial below. As a scarf is becoming more and more popular fashion accessory we have decided to share with you one super cool way how to create this great fashion accessory at home. Modai Lee a Chinese YouTube channel has incredibly easy knitting technique. The Most interesting thing here is that you do not need to have any other knitting skills because this is so easy method that will tech you how to knit using a box.

For this You will need:
2 tissue boxes, yarn, scissors, packing tape

There are a few steps that you need to do and you will get incredible result take a look the directions below

1.Cut off the bottoms of both boxes

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box


Put one box into another and cut out 0.5 — 1 inch squares along the top edge at approx. 1 inch intervals. The result will sort of look like a castle wall.

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Secure the end of your skein of yarn with the tape as shown in the picture below.

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Wrap the working (long) end of the yarn around each ’tooth.’ Make sure not to wrap it too tight.

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Starting from the second (top) round of loops, pass the working end of the yarn from top to bottom into the loop of the first (bottom) round, staying outside of the box. Grab the resulting new loop with two fingers, pull it out and over the ’tooth.’

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Keep knitting until you reach the desired length (60 inches is a good length for a scarf)

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Pull the scarf out of the box through the hole in the bottom

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Fasten off the yarn and secure it.

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Here is the final result

Ingeniously Simple Trick To Knit A Scarf using A Box

Here is the video tutorial that could give you a bit more info (it is on Chinese but you can watch the process)

Modai Lee h/t

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