Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

Almost every human being is faced with hair loss problem at one stage of their life. Hair loss is one of the most humiliating problems as it leads to loss of self-esteem. It starts like a joke and may lead to severe problems such as balding. Nevertheless, you should note that your current lifestyle is the primary reason for your hair fall, which will eventually result in serious complications such as hair loss. If you are looking for an effective, safe, and easy way to prevent hair loss and boost its growth, this article is for you.

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

Here are some of the reasons that lead to hair loss;

  • Old age
  • Unhealthy diet due to lack of vital minerals and vitamins
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Environmental factors such as pollution and excess sunshine exposure
  • Medication such as antidepressants
  • Physical stress on the hair such as overuse of certain products or over styling

Looking at all these factors, you will note one similar thing; they seem uncontrollable. For this reason, you should look for more natural methods to counter this issue. The primary advantage of using home-made remedies is because they are healthy and inexpensive. Here are the best hair growth tips;

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

  1. Onion Juice

Onions are rich in sulfur, a chemical that treats hair loss and helps in the improvement of blood circulation. In addition to this, they revive the dormant follicles and represses inflammation of the scalp. The onion juice also has anti-bacterial properties that help in fighting scalp infections. An infected skin has more likelihood of boosting hair loss.

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

  1. Green Tea

If you want to revitalize your follicles, green tea is the way to achieve this. The tea will increase your metabolism which will, in turn, increase the rate of hair growth. The process is very simple. All you need to do is condition your hair with green tea, rinse it off after a while and enjoy the results!

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut is the most recommendable hair oil when it comes to the health of your skin and hair. It will not only nourish the strands but also give you shiny and strong strands. You need to warm a handful of oil and massage it on your scalp. For best results, leave it overnight before washing it. For best results, repeat the process twice or thrice per week.

  1. Beetroot Juice

This is one of the best solutions to your hair loss problem. In case of missed nutrients in other meals, beetroot will do a cover-up of the valuables.ย  Once you incorporate it in all your meals, you will be in a better position to curb this hair loss menace.

  1. Egg Mask

This is a common ingredient used by most of the people globally. Eggs are rich in protein, an essential commodity for the growth of new hairs. Moreover, it is rich in other minerals such as sulphur, iron, zinc, selenium, iodine, and phosphorous. For best results, use one egg white with a teaspoonful of olive or lavender oil, and honey. Apply the paste on your scalp and leave it to set for half an hour. Rinse off in cold water and shampoo your hair.

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

  1. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Amla is one of the most precious fruit in vitamin C. This nutrient helps in the acceleration of hair growth. To make the perfect paste, you should mix an equal amount of Amla juice or paste or with lime juice and leave it to dry. This process will leave your hair shiny healthy and also prevent hair pigmentation

Preventing Hair Loss and Boost Hair Growth: The Super Tips

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant rich in enzymes that boost healthy hair growth. The best way to get better results is by Aloe Vera gel or juice on the scalp or drinking the juice on an empty stomach. Once you take this juice, the scalp will clear of all the dead skin, leaving behind a better environment for hair growth. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties that fight disease-causing germs, and bacteria hence helps one achieve a healthy life. Lastly, your scalp’s pH will be restored to normal thus promoting hair growth.


We can still overcome hair loss issues by inculcating cheap and simple methods in our daily activities. Maintain your self-confidence by keeping your hair healthy and intact. For more information on hair loss and growth, visit

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