Have you just been to the pharmacy and you have been informed that all the hand sanitizing gels have been sold out? Everyone is trying to protect themselves from getting and spreading the coronavirus, so it’s really hard to buy a sanitizer cause many people have bought huge stocks of them at their homes and now there aren’t enough sanitizers for everyone.
Well, you should all keep in mind that the best way to prevent the transmission of the virus is to wash your hands with soap and water, but when you don’t have the access to them the second-best things are the sanitizers. You can in fact make them at home if you have the right ingredients. Not all sanitizer recipes that you will find on the internet are efficient. You should be careful to get the right ingredients and the right measure cause if you don’t do that you will do more harm than good. Here I will share with you some Remarkable DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipes That Will Kill The Coronavirus, so check them out. Remember that hand sanitizer should have minimum 60% alcohol in order to be effective!
Spray Hand Sanitizer
The ingredients that you are going to need to make this spray hand sanitizer are:
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Glycerol or glycerin
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Distilled water
- Spray bottle
First, combine 2 fluid ounces of alcohol with 2 tsp of glycerol. Then add 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide and 3 fluid ounces of distilled. Transfer the mixture into spray bottles and add some essential oils if you want to get a nice smell. For a full tutorial click on the link below.
Hand Sanitizer With 2 Ingredients
Yeah, you read right. The two ingredients that you need to make the sanitizer are:
- 2/3 cup rubbing alcohol (99% isopropyl alcohol)
- 1/3 cup aloe vera gel
Mix them together in a clean container and you are done. As easy as a pie!
DIY Hand Sanitizer
You are just 5 minutes away from your homemade hand sanitizer. The necessary ingredients are:
- 3 TB 190 proof alcohol or at least 120 proof alcohol or 70% or higher isopropyl rubbing alcohol
- 1 TB aloe vera
- 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin or vitamin E oil
- essential oil (optional)
Put all of these in a bowl, give them a good stir and store the hand sanitizer into a squeeze tube.
You should all remember that hand sanitizers work well when you cover your hand thoroughly and let them dry naturally. If your hands are greasy the hand sanitizer won’t do you any good. Always check double the ingredients that you are using and the right measures. I hope that you are going to find these DIY hand sanitizer recipes useful and that they will help you protect yourselves from the coronavirus. Also you can always try to find some good Private Label Hand sanitizer online.
Click here to see how to boost your immune system and fight the coronavirus.