Six Fashion Mistakes That Every Woman Should Avoid

Many people tend to be perfect, but the excellence to achieve this is quite difficult. People live obsessed with their looks, and make every effort to look perfect,  that is, make every effort to achieve the same. Simplicity, good taste as well as maintenance are one of the three basics of good dressing. There are situations in which a one-piece detail makes us look unattractive.

1.Too many accessories

Too many accessories – not a good combination. Certain pieces of jewelry in combination with a strong makeup can make you look unpalatable. So before leaving home, remove suffices of makeup that you put last. The rule is, less is more!

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2.Saggy pants

From this picture we can conclude that poor posture makes us look awful and unattractive. So, in order to look great and perfect, always buy jeans that match your size, and avoid shorts with a low structure.

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3. Faded clothes

For example, one of them is a faded dark outfit. Whether it’s a work, a business event, or an exit, we all prefer to wear clothes with a darker color, but not bleached. In order to preserve the color of clothing, it is most practical to put clothes in cold water. Also, for the color to remain as it is, we can add vinegar, black coffee or of course tea. We all drink coffee or tea, so that’s exactly one useful way we can use it. If you want your clothes to be dark always, avoid wearing clothes made of linen or acetate, while wool and nylon can keep their color longer.

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4.Not perfectly white clothes

Another clothes mistake that will make you not look attractive is white clothes that are no longer white. But there is a solution for that. How to do this? We all think that lemon juice serves only for drinking,  but we are wrong. Add only half a cup of lemon juice to the washing machine and the results are surprising. Or put your clothes in a bowl, soak with hot water and place a few pieces of lemon. Do not wait immediately to do this.

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5.Harem pants

Shawls, that is, pants that are good when they carry a rap star or a fairy tale character, but ordinary people wear them to look younger and to be more modern. These pants do not go with a casual dress, with a coat and a hedgehog. But if you can not quit them, make them look attractive – combine them with shoes or sportswear.

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6.Dandruff on clothes

Traces of dandruff on clothes, is something that looks terrible. What to do to get rid of these terrible things. Insert more vitamins in your diet, or replace the fatty diet with a healthy diet so that dandruff will disappear in an hour.

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