Dear ladies when i have noticed this useful article on i was so impressed and immediately try their sugegstion. The effects were noticecable after the second washing and i have decided to share this amazing tip with you because i guess you have been washing your hair wrong whole life just like me. Read the steps below and try this you will notice the effects.
First start by brushing your hair, before your shower. Get all the tangles out. Why? This will help you not have to clean your drains out as often, but also to stimulate the circulation in your scalp and reduce the amount of breakage.
When you get in the shower, you will start off by getting your hair wet and giving it a good rinse. You will want to make sure that you use warm water but too much because we have talked about the consequences. (No problem right?) The warm water will help to remove dirt and product in your hair.
The next step is the trick and it is very important
Condition your hair. First.
Yes! You read it right! This is especially true if you have longer hair (meaning longer than shoulder length). Use the conditioner to work up a lather, concentrating mostly on the mid length to ends. Let it sit for a few minutes while you do your other shower stuff like shaving and washing your face. Rinse your hair thoroughly. (I used a shower cap to put over my hair while the conditioner gets to work!)
Next is the shampoo. (I know, the first few times you do it you will feel completely backwards!) You will notice it lathers up pretty easily! With the shampoo your main focus will be on the roots. Lather. Rinse.
Seal in some shine to your hair with a quick rinse in cold water.
When you condition first (and let your hair absorb some of that conditioner), shampooing will clean and rinse most of the excess conditioner away, leaving your hair lighter and thus, more volume.
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