You’ve Definitely Been Wearing Your Earrings Wrong Your Whole Life

Hey ladies we are sharing with you today a mind blowing recent discovery about your earrings ​that may completely turn your world upside down. Actually it comes about Twitter user @Chelsea_Smithh. Recently she shared with her followers that she has been using her earring backs wrong her entire life. She pointed out that you can remove the plastic flaps that are on the back of earrings.

For many of us this is new and mind blowing discovery but there are also Others that debate that these plastic pieces served as a barrier — a ear cushion, if you will — to make heavy earrings more comfortable and wearable have always just kept the plastic on there, no matter how annoying it was. This twitter user realized that the plastic part actually comes off of the main metal backing. Watch here tweet below that has become a true hit on internet this week. Enjoy!

What do YOU think? Definitely a whole new concept for me. Is this the most controversial earring theory of our time?

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