Hello DIY lovers! Are you ready for some inspiring DIY upcycling clothes projects? We are sharing with you some that will leave you absolutely speechless. The following DIY upcycling clothes projects will help you embellish your old clothes in less than half an hour. You will enjoy wearing these old-new clothing pieces that will surely grab all the attention wherever you appear. We leave you to enjoy the tutorials.
1. Cute DIY Crafts With Pearls
2. Tutorial: Pearled Shirt Collar
When it comes to DIY upcycling clothes projects most women think that they require some special sewing skills and quit the project immediately. Well, the good news is that they are wrong and most projects are so easy to do and won’t require you anything more than simple thread and needle skills. One of them is this shirt collar embellishing project. For it, you will need the following materials.
Materials and tools:
- A shirt you want to embellish
- Pearl beads
- Thread
- Needle
- Scissors
Here are the steps:
First, place some of the pearl beads on the shirt’s collar so you decide how you would like to arrange them. You can try a few different options until you take the final arranging decision.
Second, begin sewing on the pearl beads starting with the top of the shirt’s collar. The best would be if you sew them onto just the top fabric layer of the collar. This way you will avoid thread showing on the underside.
Then, continues sewing the pearl beads. We recommend you gradually decrease in density so you create a better pearl scheme.
Finally, once you have finished one of the sides of the collar, repeat the same with the other side. Voila, your shirt is easily embellished in less than half an hour.
3.How to Make a Pretty Tutu without Sewing – DIY
4.DIY Heart Print Denim
5.DIY fashion projects
8. Wear your heart on your sleeve
Are you ready for some romantic DIY upcycling clothes project? Here are the supplies you will need for the following one.
Materials needed:
- A wool sweater
- A 36 gauge felting needle
- A piece of dense foam cut to size or needle mat
- Some wool roving
- A 3” heart cookie cutter
- An iron
Put the sweater on. Place a piece of tape about a half-inch below the elbow to mark the place where you will place the hearth. Do the same with the opposite elbow. Remove the sweater. Insert the foam block into one of the sleeves.
Place the cookie cutter along the top of the tape. Then, pinch off a few tufts of wool roving.
Continue stabbing away until the entire flat hearth surface is covered.
Then remove the cutter and using the tip of the needle reign in any stray fibers.
When you are done, carefully peel the sweater away from the foam.
Spritz with water to smooth and set the pitch.
Finally, press with an iron on the wool setting.
Repeat the same procedure with the other sleeve. Your romantic sweater is finished.
9.Brandi’s DIY Shearling Vest
10.DIY Refashion Old T-shirt
11. DIY Maxi Dress
Weddings season is finally opened. If you have been invited to a wedding party and you are bored of wearing the same maxi dress once again don’t worry at all. We are sharing with you some inspiring DIY upcycling clothes projects that will turn your old maxi dress into a mesmerizing and eye-catching dress that will grab all the attention. You will need no sewing skills at all. The project will take you less than 30 minutes Ready? Here we go.
Supplies needed:
- Maxi dress
- Gold metallic fringe trim
- Studs
- Gold safety pins
- Gold pearls beads
- Scissors
Here are the steps:
First, try on the dress to mark where to crop the top piece. Once you marked, lay the dress on a flat surface and using scissors cut in a straight line exactly where you marked before. You will get two pieces: the crop top and the skirt piece of the dress.
Then, leave the dress on a flat surface. Take the safety pin and put it through the front edge of the skirt piece. Start from one side and make sure that the safety pin is not too close to the edge. The best is to leave at least half a centimeter of fabric.
Add three gold beads to the safety pin.
Then, put the safety pin through the front edge on the top piece at the top piece. Secure it.
Repeat the same procedure until you complete joining the top and bottom pieces of the dress, on both front and back sides.
Measure, and then cut the metallic fringe trim to fit the front neckline of the dress. Using the pronged studs secure the trim to the neckline. Start from the center and work away out the sides.
Again, try on the dress and mark where you want the side splits to begin. Take the scissors, and make the cuts carefully.
Voila, your maxi dress is done.