Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile

It’s really god to use lip scrub at least three times a week in order to moisturize them and keep them healthy. These Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile will remove the dead skin and will allow new and layers of skin to grow. All of the scrubs are affordable and simple to make. Check them out!

Mint Lip Scrub

Are you a fan of mint? If yes, this is going to be your pick for today. Get some brown sugar, olive oil and peppermint oil to make this scrub. You are going to love the benefits from it since the sugar will exfoliate your lips, the olive oil will nourish them and the peppermint oil will volumise them. Mix all of the ingredients together and store the mixture in a jar.

Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile

Honey Sugar Lip Scrub

For this recipe you will need sugar, honey, almond oil and cinnamon (this is optional). Mix all of these together in a bowl to make a paste and you are done. Transfer the mixture in a small glass container and enjoy using it.

Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile

Cinnamon Lip Scrub

Get 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon of raw honey and 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder. All you have to do is to mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and you are done. Apply the scrub on your lips with your fingertips and gently remove the dead skin. Rinse it off with water and then apply lip balm.

Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile

Coconut Honey Lip Scrub

If you love to make all kinds of beauty products at home, you will be more than happy to make this one when you see the list of ingredient because you probably have them all in your cabinet. You will need some coconut oil, honey and sugar of course. Mix the honey and the coconut oil together. Then in another bowl add the sugar and 1 tbsp of lukewarm water to get a consistency that is neither too thick nor watery.  Keep it in the fridge for 2 weeks, and then make a new batch.

Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile

Kiwi Lip Scrub

For this scrub you will need 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of oil and 1 tbsp of kiwi. First, you will need to mix the sugar and the oil together. Then, add the magic ingredient -kiwi. You are going to love this scrub because it’s easy to make and it’s a great exfoliant as well.

Amazing DIY Lip Scrubs For A Soft Smile
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