How To Hem Your Jeans Easily

Jeans usually come in some standard length and the short girls always have problem with that. For example if you have a short legs it is almost impossible to find the jeans with the length that will fit. So the people with short legs have to pay to someone to shorten the jeans. It means, to adjust and shorten for you, but paying someone else to do this is very expensive but it is very very easy in my opinion. When you will learn how easy it can be to shorten your own jeans you will be able to enjoy perfectly fitting jeans all the time without paying someone. DIY divas blog have a really great tutorial and we are presenting you below how to ham your jeans.

It often happens that the width of the jeans fits perfectly, but their length does not match your height at all. As a rule, this happens to owners of a not quite standard figure. Do not despair too much, because it will not be difficult to sew the bottom of the jeans. To do this, you can be the owner of even the most primitive sewing machine, which is also conveniently inherited from your grandmother. It will also be possible to hem flared jeans without any problems, the most important thing is to know a few tricks.

How to hem your jeans by hand?

If it happened that there is no time at all in the studio, and you don’t have sewing machine at home, then you should not be very upset. Jeans can also be hem by hand. Of course, it will take much more time. The pattern will not differ. Chalk lines for allowances and for final length must also be drawn without any changes. Then you need to fold the trouser legs along the skipping line and sew with the most common seam – forward with a needle. After that, fold it a second time and lightly iron. Then it should be stitched with a more even and neat stitch.

From the machine line, it will not differ in any way from the outside. The movement of the needle should be from right to left. First you need to make the first stitch, then a gap of the same length. Then pull the needle out in the same place where the first stitch ends.

There are a few steps that will show you what you should do.

First put the jeans on, find where you want your jeans to lay and pin it

How To Hem Your Jeans Easilysource

The next step that you should take is to roll the jeans up so that the original hem is slightly above that mark, and pin it and than Sew right next to the original hem

How To Hem Your Jeans Easilysource

Cut the extra chunk of fabric

How To Hem Your Jeans Easilysource

How To Hem Your Jeans Easilysource

Unroll it,  iron flat and you are done.

How To Hem Your Jeans Easilysource

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