Homemade Recipes For Healthy Nails You Must Try Now

Every woman wants to have her nails always beautiful and well cared. The beauty of the nails tells others how much you care about yourself. There are many factors that slow down the process of nail growth. Poor nails are exactly your problem. To improve the quality of the nails as well as to accelerate the process of growth of the nails, we have prepared you a few home tricks to help you achieve this. Take a look in the advices below and see for yourself.

1. Garlic

Garlic helps the growth of nails. Antioxidant properties of garlic maintain the health of nails, preventing them from being weak and brittle. Peel the garlic and brush your nails. Leave them for a few minutes and wash well. Repeat the procedure every day to get healthy and strong nails.

Homemade Recipes For Healthy Nails You Must Try Now source

2.  Tomato Pulp And Olive Oil

If you want your nails to grow fast, make this tomato remedy. All you have to do is to peel the tomatoes and mix them with olive oil. Place the nails in the solution for 10-15 minutes. Then wash well with warm water. You can also massage your nails every night to restore your gloss.

Homemade Recipes For Healthy Nails You Must Try Nowsource

3. Orange Juice

For a quick remedy to increase the growth of your nails, the orange juice is considered. Drain several oranges. Soak your nails in fresh orange juice for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply hand cream.

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4. Coconut Oil

Nutrients present in coconut oil improve the texture of the nails. So massage your coconut oil nails each evening to get glossy nails. Or do a nail medicine, mixing ¼ cup of coconut oil and ¼ cup of honey. Add 3 to 4 drops of rosemary oil and mix well. Heat the ingredients and bathe nails for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.

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5. Flax seed Oil

Make a nail remedy with flax seed oil. Soak your nails in the oil for about 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Homemade Recipes For Healthy Nails You Must Try Now


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