Are you a fan of hand sanitizers and tend to take them with you anywhere you go but you are sick and tired of the commercial ones that have alcohol in them? Do you feel like you are ready to make your own hand sanitizer? If yes, stay tuned cause here I’m going to share with you some easy and amazing ways how to do it. Scroll down through this article and see the Natural DIY Hand Sanitizers That You Are Going To Love. Find the one you like the most and recreate it soon!
Citrus Mint Hand Sanitizer
It’s a simple recipe that everybody can manage to make. You are going to love this sanitizer especially about its wonderful and refreshing citrus smell. In order to make it you will need ethyl alcohol, aloe vera juice, tea tree essential oil, peppermint essential oil, lemon essential oil and sweet orange essential oil. This anti-bacterial gel makes a perfect gift for the holidays that are coming soon, so take it in a consideration if you are looking for a unique gift.
Herbal Hand Sanitizer
The ingredients that you need for this marvelous hand sanitizer are loads of essential oils from orange, lavender, cinnamon, rosemary and clove, and of course the famous aloe vera gel. This is a really simple recipe that won’t dry your hands and will nourish them in spite of sanitizing them.
Simple DIY Hand Sanitizer
Get aloe vera, lavender essential oil, witch hazel, tea tree essential oil. vitamin E and sweet orange essential oil. Get a glass spray bottle in which you are going to make it and store it of course. Start with pouring all of the essential oils in the bottle, stir them together and then add the aloe vera and the witch hazel. Adding vitamin E is optional, but if you want to have additional healing properties in your sanitizer you should add it for sure.
All-Natural Hand Sanitizer
This sanitizer contains tea tree essential oil and other essential oils according to your preferences, aloe vera gel, liquid, and vitamins oils. You will need a jar or a squeezable tube in which you can store the final project. You can find the whole tutorial with the step-by-step instructions on the link below, so click and see how to make the all-natural hand sanitizer in no time.