Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

Taking care of your hands means that you take care of your nails at the same time. If you are bothered with yellow nails, brittle nails, damaged nails, unhealthy nails or you just want your nails to grow faster, scroll down and find the perfect remedies for you. These Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles are a must-try. Check out the suburb nail treatments and the awesome nails remedies for yellow nails too and see more possibilities that may work for you.

Healthy Nails Serums

If you want to keep your nails and cuticles healthy and strong you definitely have to make this serum.The ingredients that you are going to need are: 3 drops frankincense essential oil, 5 drops myrrh essential oil, 5 drops wintergreen essential oil (optional), 2 drops lemon essential oil and 1 tsp. Fractionated Coconut Oil.  Insert them all in a roll-on bottle as in the order listed here and fill the bottle with coconut oil. You will have your serum ready in just a few minutes.

Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

Homemade Cuticle Oil

Your cuticles are going to love this homemade oil which will nourish and soften them. Plus, it will make your nails stronger as well, and what’s most important is that is completely non-toxic. Get 3 Tsp olive oil, 1/2 Tsp avocado oil, 1 Tsp jojoba oil, 12 drops lavender essential oil, 12 drops rosemary essential oil and 12 drops lemon essential oil and blend them together before you transfer them in a roll-on bottle, empty nail polish or dropper bottle.

Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

Nail-Growth Serum Recipe

There are many girls who want to stimulate the growth of their nails, so here’s a serum recipe that they will want to make for sure. First you will have to blend some garlic in a food processor and massage the paste on your clean nails. Let it sit of 10 minutes before you wash it. Then mix some Aloe vera gel, castor oil, vitamin E capsule and massage it on your cuticles. Remember to apply the garlic paste once a week but the paste every day. You will spot great results in just 2 weeks.

Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

DIY Brittle Nail Serum for Damaged Nails

If you have brittle nails get some myrrh essential oil, lemon essential oil, lavender essential oil, Frankincense essential oil, olive oil, castor oil and vitamin E oil. Mix all of them into a bowl, stir them well to combine and transfer them in a bottle, 2-3 drops of the serum are enough for each nail, and make sure you apply it on clean hands.

Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

Natural Homemade Nails Serums That Will Solve All of Your Nails Troubles

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