Soft And Worm Sweaters: The Latest Trend

Hello my dear fashionistas. Since the cold is more often present, it is time to bring out from your storage boxes the cozy sweaters from the last fall season, and to upgrade the fall collection with some new beautiful...

Halloween Transformation: Cute Fox Makeup Ideas

If you are in a festive mood, than we are sure you have already thought how your Halloween costume would be like. If steal you do not have any idea, and If you do not want to wear any complicated costume, than you can...

9 Totally Annoying Things, That Every Women Deal With

Well, my ladies, you would agree, it is tough to be a woman. There are a billion irritating daily situations that a woman should deal and after all to overcome them and be a perfect lady. The men could not even imagine...

Bomber Jackets: 15 Inspiring and Super Modern Outfits

Bomber jackets are the perfect choice to pass the transitional period from autumn to winter. These interesting jackets that require having a special sense for fashion combining reclaim the trend that ruled in the ‘80s...

Elegant and Simple: Flashy Nails Polish

Be simple this autumn. Although there are many different designs and shapes of nails that are totally in this season, be sure that your elegance and style can emphasized with the simplicity of your nails. Keep them...