Yes, it is winter officially. It is time for the winter holidays. And they include a lot of snow and fun. If you have missed the summer holiday because of the coronavirus lockdown measures, it is time for fun and happiness right now. Most of the winter holidays include sports like skiing. Have you ever tried this adventurous sport? You are a beginner on the ski slope? Maybe you have heard that skiing is a too expensive sport reserved only for celebrities and the rich ones? There may be a lot of truth in that fact, but believe us, there is always a way to do something you love even with a limited budget.
If you are a beginner in skiing, then you need to know that all those ski clothes can cost you a fortune, but if you make a plan you can spend a perfect ski holiday without having to spend your entire savings. Here we are presenting you with some essentials you need to get before you leave for a winter holiday in the mountains covered with snow. This ski clothing shopping list for beginners will help you get all the ski essentials on a budget. Read it and get ready for a lot of fun under the falling snowflakes.
Skis, boots, and poles
You don’t even need to buy these all because you can hire them in the ski resort. For your first skiing holiday, you don’t need to spend a fortune on buying skiing equipment, for the simple reason that you can hire them for a cost of less than $100 for a week, depending on the ski resort. You may not want to repeat your skiing experience (what is something impossible!), so you don’t need to spend money on expensive equipment at all.
Ski jacket and pants
Another ski clothing pieces that will cost you a fortune and you don’t even need to buy. You can always borrow them from your friends or family. Also, you can rent them from different renting companies, and that will cost you so little compared to buying them. However, if you need to buy them, the best time to do it is at the end of the season when there are big discounts and you can find them a half price.
The weather in the mountains can be snowing and windy, so you will need to have your goggles with you. Before you get yourself ones, make sure they will fit you. The best is to buy them in a ski shop, where you can try them, instead of ordering them online and get a surprise to not fit you. Remember that the eyes are one of the most delicate organs and you need to protect them during skiing.
Ski helmet
This is definitely a must! Everybody should wear one while skiing in order to protect their head. Skiing can be a dangerous sport, and anyone can fall and get head-injure. Also, you will need a hat or hood for the evenings. Just remember the hat or the hood is never a replacement for the ski helmet! If you are skiing, especially for the first time, always have your ski helmet on your head to keep your head protected.
Gloves or mittens
Forget your basic ski gloves which can get wet while skiing, and instead get yourself waterproof ones. After skiing even for few minutes, your gloves can get soaked inside and out making it too unpleasant and uncomfortable for you. Having your waterproof and breathable gloves will keep your hands warm and dry. If you want to keep your hands even warmer, you can try mittens instead of gloves.
One of the ski clothing pieces worth investing in, even if you are a skiing beginner, is a base layer, or thermals. It will provide almost no insulation and will stay dry no matter how sweaty you get, or how wet the clothes over it get. A base layer will keep you warm, which is essential in the mountains where the temperatures and the air can get freezing cold.
Ski socks
Keeping your feet warm will keep your whole body warm. That is one of the reasons you need to invest in a pair of ski socks. Today’s modern ski boots are well insulated and will keep your feet warm despite the fact you are wearing thinner socks. It is optional to get ski socks; because you can find some sports socks you already have at home and use them instead of ski socks.
Another optional ski clothing piece is the neck warmer. You can always wear the scarf you already have at home and still feel comfortable and warm. However, it is better to get yourself a neck warmer from Merino wool or breathable fabric, because it will keep your neck warmer and will stay in place all day long, which is not the case of a simple scarf at all.