The Future Of Fashion Is Based On The Past And As Seen Now

The Future Of Fashion Is Based On The Past And As Seen Now

The future of fashion relates to three things, its past, its present, and of course, its future. It is only when these three times are taken into consideration, a perfect prediction for the future can be made. There are immense possibilities that also need to be taken into account.

The fashion industry is facing a fair amount of uncertainty, whether it is in these modern days or as it was in the past. However, experts predict that techwear will bring about exciting changes in the future. The challenges that the fashion industry is currently facing include economic and geopolitical challenges, sustainability and supply chain management, and high return rates. Despite these challenges, the fashion industry has shown resilience in the face of uncertainty. Consumers are adaptable to change, and classic styles will always remain relevant.

As predicted by Cromwell Q. Snyder in an article written in 1893, which looks into fashion for 100 years, the logic behind such predictions for each decade does not seem far-fetched. It streamlines the projections of the 20th century.

As for women fashion, it seems to have been controlled by similar waves and rules as men’s fashion, of course, in a different degree and the ‘freedom of expression’ factor. It is this difference that makes predicting and creating a fashion envelope so tricky.

Future as it is seen now

If you look into the future of fashion based on the present times, you will see that it is going through a paradigm shift, and the path ahead is mostly based on the current context.

There is a close bond between fashion and tech now, which has led to different things, such as:

  • Emphasizing more anticipating needs of the clients
  • Finding ways to satisfy their emotions and desires and
  • Creating things that are specific for specific individuals.

This is something that is happening across all industries wherein everyone seems to be more focused on emotion-based marketing and relies heavily on providing a much better user experience both in personalization and in design.

However, the real thing here is the context, which is typically based on the next frontier of technology. This includes:

  • Artificial Intelligence and
  • Machine Learning.

AI comes with its own set of complexities, and that not only involves creating a workable AI but also intertwining it with the products that exist already as well as the fabric of everyday life.

This brings to one conclusion. Till the time the industry gets there, fashion is all about you, and you are the fashion and its future.

The future starting 2020

Industry experts and others in fashion business like predict women’s fashion starting in 2020 for the next decade. They primarily focus on one specific thing: how women fashion clothing and accessories will be in the future to keep up with the change and looking forward. They suggest that:

  • With the fast-increasing popularity of wearable technology, the market will see more blurring of fashion and wearable tech. Since the wearable tech had a mixed response and was not considered to be the most fashionable and is not predominantly feminine, several brands have taken note of thins. They have already started working on it to address this issue. Tech will also get smaller, making it all the more wearable as pendants, bangles, or headphones.
  • 3D printing accessories will be more on use as these are cheaper than it was before. Almost anyone can own a 3D printer in their home and use them to be creative while doing a lot of things. This will also save them a lot of money.

Experts in tech and fashion say that people will soon be able to design and print their jewelry, accessories, fabrics, and clothes as well. They also suggest that heels will no more feel like heels in the future! The market will also be flooded with color-changing clothes, self-cleaning textiles, and lots of other innovative things that will even blur the gender lines with more androgynous looks.

The future of fashion clothing

The future of fashion clothing depends on two specific things: women and cultural elements. All these are the result of the inevitable social change, which shows different things as follows:

  • The entry of women into the workforce is now on a large scale. This calls for redesigning women’s clothes from more lavish to more generic. Right from the fabric to design and print, all need to be changed accordingly.
  • There is also no discrimination in the type of jobs offered to women as before. Now you will see women working at par with men, whether it is white-collar or a blue-collar job. This means that clothes for women now should have a more formal look to distinguish them according to their jobs performed.

All these indicate that social change has been dramatic to make the women dress up and not dress down, especially outside their work.

Role of the designers

Just as women define and determine the future of fashion, the role of the fashion designers is also equally important to shape up the future of women’s fashion accordingly. They must meet the demands of the women as well as that of the market to ensure success.

Ideally, it is only those designers who lead by example and not follow the herd will be able to ensure this and make bold moves to keep up with the upheavals. They must design items according to the culture of the person. This will help the wearer in many ways, such as:

  • It will make them look different
  • Feel comfortable and
  • Be confident.

In short, the designers themselves must be the rule-breakers because it is the freedom from conventional fashion rules that will shape up the future of fashion.

The fashion of the future

Looking at and predicting the future of fashion will not be possible if you do not look at the fashion of the future, and it is not only about wearable technology. That was in 2014. What about fashion predictions for 2050? Experts say that there will be:

  • Department stores 2.0
  • Shop window homepage
  • Use of adaptable wearable technology
  • Making of own clothes
  • No white and skinny supermodels and even
  • Self-recyclable stocks.

Therefore, future technology will mirror back buyers’ choices within different brands making this more adaptable and far easier to connect.

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