White clothes are timeless and so classic. Women adore wearing white pieces all year round, but especially during warmer months. Monochromatic all-white outfits are very popular among modern women, too. But, there comes the big question: how to wear white clothes without ruining them? Sometimes women are no immune to spills and stains. While cleaning darker clothes can be easier (even the stains are less visible at the moment you get dirty), cleaning white clothes is a real nightmare for many housewives.
Sometimes, there are stains that are even impossible to remove, so you need to throw away the clothes with stains forever. Keeping your items clean is very important. Not only from an esthetic point of view but also in order to save nerves and money. Here, we are sharing with you some helpful tricks on how to wear white clothes without ruining them. We are sure women will love to learn new tricks on how to keep their white clothes clean and safe. Let’s start!
Start by wearing inexpensive items you don’t care as much about
This may be the start point of how to wear white clothes without ruining them. If you wear things that are less expensive, then you won’t worry much about them, even when you ruin them, and you need to throw them away. You can easily replace them with new pieces, as you haven’t spent a lot of money on buying them. Buying cheaper white pieces can be a good way to test things before you decide on buying an expensive version of them. For example, buy some cheap white pants and see how you fare using some of the tips presented below. Once you see they work well, you can get more confident to start buying more expensive stuff.
Wait to get dresses until right before you leave the house
Has it ever happened to you to get dirty even before you leave the house? Sometimes in order to get dressed on time, women start getting dressed too early, and then they need to spend much time walking around the house wearing their outfits. This may not be a problem when wearing darker shades. But, when you wear white items, there may appear some problems. For example, you can easily spill makeup, toothpaste, coffee, or whatever else on your white clothes. So, try to avoid dressing too early when wearing white clothes. Indeed, try to dress right before you leave the house if possible. This way you will minimize the at-home exposure to food, makeup, dirt, coffee, etc.
Be strategic with your outwear/ layers
How to wear white clothes without getting some dirt? Easy! Follow some strategic steps and voila, you will make it easier for you to keep your white outfit clean. For example, when you wear white pants, try to wear a coat that covers your ass, instead of a jacket that does not. This will be so handy to you when you had to sit on a park bench for example. Or, always have some inexpensive blanket or scarf that you can use to sit on when you have to sit in a potentially dirty place.
Use a period tracker app
Women on their period know how the potential of getting dirty, especially when wearing white ants, increases. One way to minimize such troubles is to avoid wearing white pants during those days. Another way to do it is by installing a period tracker app. Of course, the app is not a perfect science, but it can still tell you generally when to expect those days. This way you can plan accordingly if to wear or to postpone wearing white pants and skirts for the next week.
Avoid wearing white on rainy days
If possible avoid wearing white items on rainy days. Save your white pieces for a dry day instead. Rain and dirty water droplets are bars far from the biggest offender that can ruin your white clothes. They are even bigger and less easy to be cleaned than blood or coffee stains. However, if you still want to wear white clothes even on rainy days, then try to choose top pieces instead of bottom ones. You can easily keep them dry and clean by wearing a coat or blazer over your white shirt or blouse, for example. Also, you can easily wear your raincoat to keep your white attire safe and clean even when it is raining outside.
Treat stains right away
If possible always try to get rid of the stain at the moment when you get it. Sometimes, it is not possible to do it, and the stain needs to be removed once you get back home. Dry satins are even worse to be removed. You will need to do it the right way in order to avoid damaging your white clothes even more. Wash the dirty clothes properly by using warm water and appropriate detergents.