Fashion Emergencies Fixing Tips

Has it happened to you to be anticipating wearing some particular outfit, and then you suddenly notice that a hem is too long, a button has fallen off or there are some deodorant stains on the dress or shirt? These are only a few of the fashion emergencies that women face every single day. Instead of scrapping your dream outfit and starting over, we have selected a few helpful fashion emergency fixing tricks.

Scroll down the page to explore how to instantly repair broken heels, how to fix a run in your tights, or how to break in a new pair of shoes. These are only a few of the problems and solutions that we have presented below. In order to learn, even more, keep reading the article. These are fashion emergency fixing tips and tricks that every woman should know. We have already shared with you some clothes fixing tips and tricks, so you can re-read the article for further information. Enjoy!

1. How to Temporary Fix a Broken Underwire of a Bra

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2. QUICK TIPS Heel Caps: Quick Fix for Worn Out Heel Tips

Worn-out heels are one of those fashion emergencies that you must fix as soon as you can. Not only they will look awful when you wear them again, but they will make walking harder and more painful. And while earlier repairing heels may have been a pain for you, QUICK TIPS makes it easier. You can use the caps to cover the metal nail. It instantly stops the clinking. Once you try it, you will never have to worry about worn-out heels anymore.

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3. Erase scuff marks with a pencil eraser

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4. Fashion Emergencies And Their Purse-Sized Fixes

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5. How to Repair High Heel Shoes

One of the most annoying fashion emergencies that could happen to women is the broken heel. Sometimes you may not have had an inkling your heel was about to break completely off. But, now that it has happened, here are some tricks to try in order to fix the problem.

If you are out: one of the ways to fix a broken heel is to use super glue. This is not a long-term fix, however, it is the fast way to solve the problem at the moment of being out of your home.

At home: there are more options available out there when you break your heel when still at home. You can glue the heel back on, or you can take them to a professional shoer repairing salon.

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6. How to tie a tie

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7. Fix Slippery Heels with a DIY Cloth Insert

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8.  How to break into your shoes in less than 2 minutes

This is not a typical fashion emergency, but it has happened to most women, so we think it is worth it mentioning it here. Many women have at least once bought heels or other shoes that are not their fitting number. Here is how to break in a new pair of shoes in less than a few minutes. One way to do it is the heating method. All you need to do is to get your shoes on your feet with socks on and then walk around for more than 10 minutes. Then, once you have prepared the shoes, take the hair drier, turned to a hot setting, and heat the hoe up for 2 to 3 minutes. Voila, your shoes are now your fitting size.

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9. Easy Ways to Repair Runs in Your Tights

There is nothing worse than getting a run in your tight, especially if it is the first time you wear them. This fashion emergency is a real nightmare for women. However, you don’t need to worry a lot, since there are few ways you can fix a run in your tights. For example, you can try the clear nail polish trick. It may not undo a run, but it can certainly prevent the run from getting bigger and potentially more noticeable. Also, you can try spraying hair spray on the run starting points. This, again, won’t repair the run but will keep it from making its way down to the toes. All you need to do is just spray the spot where the hole is to prevent it from getting bigger. Another option is to layer your tights. You can wear more than one pair of tights. Just take care to choose ones that are in the same color.

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10. Use deodorant to help soothe blisters

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11. A pencil eraser will help hold your earring in place

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12. Use a Hair Straightener to Iron the Cuff of a Sleeve

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13. Get rid of the static cling with a hairspray

This is definitely one of the most uncomfortable fashion emergencies to deal with. In order to get rid of the static cling, you can use hairspray. A quick spray of hairspray underneath the hem of a clingy dress will offer you immediate relief from static build-up. You will be grateful for this easy and effective trick.

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