Helpful Clothes Cleaning Tips

Hello dear ladies! Are you ready for some helpful clothes cleaning tips? We have already shared with you some useful clothes cleaning products that can make your clothing washing process easier. Today, in this article we continue sharing with you the following clothes cleaning tips that will help you keep your clothing clean and fresh. Scroll down the page to explore how to use some ingredients that you already have at home to keep your clothes clean. It has happened to all of us to spill something on our shirt or pants after we dress. These helpful clothes cleaning tips will teach you how to react immediately and say goodbye to the stains forever. Keep scrolling and enjoy!

1. White bread can blot out a lipstick stain

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2. How to remove acrylic paint from your clothes

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3. Remove Ketchup and Catsup Stains

If you want to remove ketchup stains from your clothes then here are some clothes cleaning tips to follow:

  • First, scrape off the solids by removing as much of the excess ketchup from the fabric as possible. Use a spoon or the back of a butter knife so that you don’t damage the fabric.
  • Then flush the stain by running cold water through the back of the stain.
  • Rub liquid laundry detergent into the stain. Gently work it into the fabric with circular motions. You can optionally apply a bleaching agent if the garment is white.
  • Hold the stain up to the light so that you check the stain and make sure all of the ketchup is gone.  If you see any hint of brow or pink, repeat the procedure once again.
  • Apply a stain remover stick, gel, or spray and allow it to seat for at least 5 minutes.
  • Finally, wash as you usually do! Voila, the stain is gone!

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4. Use Chalk to Battle Grease Stains

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5. Aluminum Foil Anti-Static Dryer Balls

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6. How to Wash a Dry Clean Only Garment

Here are some clothes cleaning tips on how to wash a dry clean only garment. Learn how to clean them by hand-washing. Here we go:

  • Before you start the washing process always read the garment’s label. If your clothes are made from wool, silk, or cotton, you may gently wash them by hand.
  • Mix soap with cold water in a basin or bucket. Never use hot water on items that are meant to be dry cleaned.
  • Dip the garment in and out of the soapy water. Submerge it completely, then lift it from the water and repeat the procedure again.
  • Rinse the garment in a basin with fresh cold water. Again, dip the garment in and out of clean water until it is no longer covered in soap.
  • Finally, lay the garment out on clean absorbent water and roll the towel up with the item inside. Unroll the towel and move the garment to a dry spot. Then, roll again and repeat until the garment is no longer dripping.
  • Reshape the garment and lay it flat to dry.

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7. How to wash and remove stains using a lemon

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8. How to wash and remove stains tips

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9. How To Remove Common Stains

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10. Dilute a little fabric softener with water to make your own wrinkle spray

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11. Living Well: 6 Secrets to a Properly Ironed Shirt

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12. How to Get a Makeup Stain out of Clothes Without Washing

Here are some clothes cleaning tips that women will certainly adore! Read how to clean makeup stains without washing them by only using hairspray. Here are the steps to take in order to clean the makeup stains from your clothing:

  • First, spray on a small section of your clothing to remove liquid foundation, self-tanner, and liquid lipstick. Spray directly onto the stain as fast as you can for better results. Be careful with delicate fabrics such as lace or silk.
  • Then, allow the hairspray for a few minutes to harden.
  • Moisten a paper towel with cold water and wring out the excess water. The paper towel should be cool to the touch but not drenched.
  • Using the paper towel wipe away the stain. Blot the hairspray out of your clothing so that the makeup stain is removed along with the hairspray.

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13. How to Restore White Socks Without Bleach

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14. Forget Expensive Dry Cleaning Bills

Are you ready for some inexpensive clothes cleaning tips using vodka? Here we go: In order to keep your clothes smelling fresh you can use vodka. It is one of the best and most inexpensive tricks to remove odors from your garments. All you need to do is to spritz down your garments with vodka dilution between dry cleaning. It will remove any bad odors from your clothing. Unfortunately, this does nothing for stains, but removing the odors is enough when you have so many clothes cleaning tips available above.

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