8 Ways You’re Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit

Every woman is shopping addicts and no one can resist the crazy world called fashion. If you are a really big fan of clothes and fashion in general, that you need to pay attention as you store your favorite pieces of clothing and how to properly wear them. Most women simply can’t resist buying shoes so often, but also it is important to take care for them too. See below some pictures and learn some cool ideas how to keep your outfit, how to properly store and how to properly wear your clothes. Enjoy.

1.You lost the heel pad on the bottom of your shoe and now you sound like a horse clip-clopping around the office

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

2.You’ve still got the designer tag on your sleeve cuff

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

3.You are walking around with the flaps on the back of your jacket still sewn together

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

4.Your hang-loops are showing

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

5.You have nipples on your shoulders from hanging your sweaters.

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6.Did that belt come with that dress?

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

7.So. Many. Wrinkles.

8 Ways Youre Unknowingly Ruining Your Outfit source

8.Those stringy belt loops on the sides of your dress are making it look cheap AF.

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