Category - WOMAN

Fashion Trends to Try

Everyone wishes to make a statement when it comes to fashion. It’s all about finding the right style for you in order to stand out from the crowd. If you wish to jump onto fashion trends, then try and do so...

5 Tips to Avoid Contact Lens Discomfort

The quality and comfort of contact lenses has evolved since its inception but even then there are times that wearing them can cause discomfort. Some common causes are old or poorly-fitting lenses, dry eyes, torn lenses...

Fall Fashion Trends: 7 Hot Styles to Watch for in 2019

Summer is in full swing but the biggest movers in the fashion industry are already laying the foundation of what’s to come for Fall. Obviously, you want to dress in the latest fashions but you don’t want to...

Do’s and don’ts of Healthy Hair

Looking after your hair is simpler than you might think. Just follow these simple rules and see what a difference they make. Do… Trim regularly You may hesitate to get regular haircuts, especially if you’re trying...

The Chicest Ways To Wear Jeans During Summer

The one piece of clothes in the wardrobe that never goes out of fashion are jeans. No matter the season, the occasion, the age or the body shape, everybody wear jeans. They fit everybody and look chic and modern always...