Bad Credit? How to Shop When You Have No Money

Just because you have no money, doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on shopping! Learn here how to shop with you are broke AF and have no money! Although it’s nice to go shopping with a credit card, not...

Wardrobe Cleaning Age: When to Re-Question Your Style?

While age is nothing more than a number, there comes a time in every woman’s life where she no longer feels like her clothing fits here. No, we’re not talking about the dress size. We’re talking about dressing your age...

4 Reasons To Consider A Destination Wedding

On many occasions, weddings have been held for just a single day with everything being timed from church service to the reception. People will always tend to wed within their home area and at their local churches. But...

5 Tips to Buying Your Contact Lenses Online

Buying contact lenses over the internet versus at the store can be quite taxing especially if you are a busy person. That’s why if you want to save money and at the same time not leave your home, buying contact lenses...