Six Homemade Night Creams To Get A Beautiful Skin

Every woman dreams of being beautiful all day long. After a busy day, every woman wants to put a night cream that offers a complete skin care. Night creams have a lot of meaning. Some are used to whiten the skin itself, others reduce aging, while some treat the dark circles on the face.
But to have all these creams for many of us,Ā  will be a problem, because some of these creams are quite expensive. See their ingredients and go to your kitchen, becauseĀ  you have some of the ingredients in it.Ā  Do not wait , make a night cream of various ingredientsĀ  on your own in your kitchen at home. Here are some tips on how to do this.

1. Avocado Anti-Aging Night Cream

Avocados, thanks to the many vitamins and minerals they contain, makeĀ  your skin soft and supple overnight. Therefore, to make a night cream of avocado you need 1 avocado, 1 egg and half a cup of yogurt. Place the avocado in a bowl, mix it, then add the egg and yogurt to get a smooth mixture. ApplyĀ  the mixture twice a week. The results are great.

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2. Cocoa Butter Wrinkle Cream

If you have dry, broken skin, the best night cream against it is cocoa butter. Necessary ingredients to make this cream are 2 tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Mix all in a bowl and put on a fire. After you make the necessary mixture let it cool down. Then apply to the skin.

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3. Green Tea Detoxifying Cream

This cream will help you to remove all impurities from the face inflicted during the day. Requirements for this night cream are 1 tablespoon extract of green tea, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 1 tablespoon of water, 1 tablespoon ofĀ  essential oil, 1 tablespoon of juice of aloe vera and 1 tablespoonĀ  of bee wax. First, place the beeswax and almond oil in a bowl and put on fire to melt. Once you get melted, take it off the fire. Then add aloe vera, extract of green tea, essential oil and water. Connect the ingredients. Store the cream in the cold.

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4. Moisturizing Olive Oil Night Cream

Olive oil as the main ingredient of this night cream plays a major role both for the health and for the beauty of your skin. Ingredients for this cream are half an tablespoons ofĀ  olive oil, 2 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of bee wax and 2 capsules of vitamin E. Mix coconut oil, olive oil and bee wax in a bowl, heat on fire. Then crush the vitamin E capsules in the container. Let it cool. This cream is kept at room temperature.

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5. Refreshing Milk Cream

Cleaning, nourishing the skin can be done with the help of milk. Use the cream of milk overnight to refresh your skin.
The necessary ingredients for this cream are 1 tablespoon milk cream, 1 teaspoon water with rose, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Mix all theĀ  ingredients in a bowl until a smooth, thick mixture is obtained.

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6. Revitalizing Apple Night Cream

Nourish the skin with a night cream of apples. The apple, thanks to the numerous vitamins and antioxidants present in it, will keep the skin soft and smooth.
Requirement ingredients to make this cream are 2 apples, 5-6 tablespoons water with rose and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apples are cut in such a way that their seeds are removed. Then they are put in a blender along with olive oil. Mix until the paste becomes smooth. After mixing the mixture, put it on fire. Then, remove it from the heat and add the water. Keep it in the bowl until it cools down. Then apply to the skin.

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