The Most Important Reasons To Make Your Wedding Party In Summer

Summer is officially here. And summer is definitely the season of weddings. The first thing that you connect summer with when you hear summer is holidays and weddings, and the first thing you connect weddings to when you hear wedding is summer. That is why in summer are held the most of the wedding we have been invited to, or we will be invited to.  Why all new married couples choose summer for their wedding fairy tale? So many reasons for.

1. Wedding beach decoration

In summer the weather is warmer and it is ideal for those willing to have their wedding party outside. Especially couples that live near to sea, who want their wedding to be held on the beach, choose the summer for the most important day in their life.

The Most Important Reasons To Make Your Wedding Party In Summer source

2. Wedding table decoration

Summer is more colorful so it offers thousand of wedding venues ideas. The wedding venue says a lot about the married couple so when you choose it do it wisely. Summer gives you a chance to use a lot of fresh flowers as wedding décor.  And there is nothing better than fresh flowers to accessorize our wedding story with.

Brides to be choose summer for their wedding party for another very important reason too. Those brides to be who want to overpass the traditional long wedding gowns, and change them with a less traditional but as beautiful and practical short white bridal dress, decide to organize the wedding party in summer when the weather is warmer.

The Most Important Reasons To Make Your Wedding Party In Summer source

3.Summer wedding palette of  food

The outdoors weddings also give you a chance to oversize your guest list. You can invite more people if you are not limited with seats numbers in some closed restaurant.

The food choice is also bigger in summer. You can choose from a variety of food in summer, when the most of vegetables and fruits are raised.

These are only few of the most important reasons to make your wedding party in summer. The most romantic stories are written under the summer sunshine, so write your own fairy tale in the hottest season too.

The Most Important Reasons To Make Your Wedding Party In Summersource

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