Hello dear as you can see on the title we are now present you some unusual article that we found it very very interesting. Actually Three Dublin students, Niamh Geaney, Terence Manzanga and Harry English, challenged each other to find their twin strangers from anywhere in the world within 28 days. They aim is to find people who looks really exactly like him. As we all know there are almost 7 billion people on the Earth and do you think that we all are unique? The probability to find a stranger twin in the 7 billion of people is maybe not too big but we also think that we all have twin that have the same look. These students have launch a facebook fun page where they ask a people to find someone who will looks like them and just watch in the video below when Niamh Geaney from Dublin recently set out to find her doppelgรคnger. Enjoy!
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