activities for kids

10 Summer Activities for Kids to Keep Them Entertained

10 Summer Activities for Kids to Keep Them Entertained

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

There’s no denying it–kids of all ages love the summer holidays! Not only is it time away from homework, but it also means they get to spend hours outside in the sun. Parents, on the other hand, can find entertaining children during the summer quite challenging.

Whether you’ll be staying home with the kids, or going to work, you’ll need to find something to keep your kids busy. Since kids get bored very quickly, you’re going to have to be creative. Fortunately, we’ve got a few ideas about things to do with kids which range from making a vacation video to creating a small garden. Read up on tips for all interests and age groups.

Fun Things to Do With Kids During the Summer

Keeping children of all ages entertained during the summer holidays, parents can face some challenges. This is especially the case if you have kids of varying ages. Fortunately, there are quite a few fun things to do with kids that will suit the whole family.

1.     Plan a Picnic

Few things express that summer feeling quite like a picnic. If you have a big enough yard, you can set up a picnic at home. Alternatively, opt for a local park. Invite a few friends or cousins over to join in the fun. For a switch-up, let older kids plan the activities for the day. This includes preparing and packing the baskets and inviting people, making it a little less time-consuming for the parents.

2.     Schedule an Art Day

The messier the activity, the more fun they seem to have. So, buy a few cheap art supplies and set up a mini art studio in the garage or even outside. If you manage the mess, the home will feel less chaotic.

Find a few random objects that everyone should practice painting and have a prize set up for the winner. Be sure to hang the finished pieces somewhere in your home as a reminder of your fun day—and to make the kids feel special.

3.     Set up a Photo Shoot

Selfies are popular in ALL age groups. Even parents enjoy new pictures of their kids having fun. So, a great activity that even your moody teens will enjoy is a makeshift photoshoot. If you’re setting up your photoshoot at home, use curtains and different items as backdrops and props to create fun images.

Encourage everyone with a phone or camera to take photos. Get the kids to pose in different positions and wear different fun outfits. Set up a summer photo board or wall and add the most fun prints to the wall. You can also teach the kids to make a YouTube Kids Channel with all their photos and videos. This can be a great motivator to keep kids focused and involved—everyone wants their minutes of fame online!

4.     Make Video Journals

A creative activity for some of the older children involves making videos documenting their holiday activities. Once again, sharing it online as influencers do can be what keeps them focused. By using a user-friendly and fun video editing software option, they’ll soon learn how to make a video like the pros they follow online.

Not only will they keep themselves busy for hours, but they’ll also contribute to recording some fun family history videos. Set up a video night where everyone can hang out and watch all the videos. Don’t forget the popcorn!

5.     Backyard Stargazing

Let’s face it, kids don’t want to be stuck inside on a hot summer night. Backyard stargazing is a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy. Consider a few of these tips to set up a backyard stargazing event you’ll remember for years to come:

  • Place a few blankets around the backyard
  • If you have a telescope, set it up outside (if not, don’t worry about it)
  • Do some research beforehand to be able to identify stars and constellations such as Orion’s Belt
  • Encourage the kids to ask questions about stars, space, and planets (keep your phone handy so that you can research the answers)
  • Take photos of the evening, and let the kids create a few great stargazing videos for any potential school projects

6.     Make Some Home-Made Ice Cream or Pizza

Summer is synonymous with ice cream. Instead of going out and buying this deliciously cool treat every time someone feels hot, teach the kids to make their own.

Find a few easy-to-follow recipes and stock up on fun flavors and sprinkles. Aside from making ice cream to enjoy during the day, let the kids make some for dessert. Additionally, you can teach the kids to make homemade pizza or cook their favorite dinner from scratch. When the kids have mastered their skills, let them invite a favorite relative for a “kids’ dinner” evening. They can even start an online cooking channel—since they have the skills to make videos now—or prepare a few dishes for the next kid’s birthday party!

7.     Go Camping

Unlike the kids, some parents don’t get to be off work during the summer. That means planning an extended vacation isn’t always possible. If that’s the case, you can opt for a camping weekend that includes everyone. Choose a site that has a bike or hiking trail. That way, everyone can get some exercise, have fun, and not be bored. Teach your kids to make the fire and set up tents. Working together is a great opportunity for getting to know each other better.

8.     Fun Around the Garden

Another one of the top summer activities for kids at home involves doing fun things around the garden:

  • Build a few simple bird feeders using objects from around the home
  • Create a water bath for bees
  • Get seed packs and let each kid set up a little section in the garden to look after
  • If you have the space, let the kids plant a tree
  • Paint funny and colorful designs on rocks and place them around the garden, so they feel it’s ‘their’ garden
  • Remind the kids to take photos and videos of insects, plants, and birds

9.     Spring Clean Rooms

It can’t be all play and no work! Even in summer!

Have a summer spring-clean for each bedroom. Arrange three boxes in the hallway labeled, “Keep,” “Donate,” and “Chuck.” While it might not be an activity everyone will be looking forward to, it helps kids learn the balance between fun and chores. Let the children pick a charity to donate clothes or old toys to, so they discover their role in their community.

10.  Plan a Road Trip

If you and your partner’s schedule allows, plan a road trip to a nearby town. Let the children be part of selecting the best route and packing snacks. They can also research places to stop over for bathroom breaks.

Destinations can include interesting places such as farmers’ markets, museums, or historic sites. Let each child find something on the road trip to stick onto the summer photo board to symbolize the trip.

Final Thoughts

There’s no reason finding summer activities for kids at home should be stressful. No matter what your kids’ interests are, there’s always something you can do to create a fun summer. Include fun, creativity, and modern technology in your summer goals, and you’re sure to have smiling kids around.

Remember to make engaging photos and videos for all the activities so that everyone has a lot of fun memories to look back on!

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