Glasses-Wearers Problems

People wearing glasses have similar stories related to the experience of wearing them. Most of them face the same glasses-wearers problems. In this article, we have selected some of the most common glasses-wearers problems ever. Scroll down the page to identify them. If you are a glasses wearer, then you will surely relate with at least a few of them (if not all of them). Below are listed the ones that most people have to face every day. If you have some glasses-wearers problems that we haven’t listed yes, you can always share your experience with us.

Picking out new glasses is stressful

This is one of the most common glasses-wearers problems ever. Choosing the perfect pair of glasses is very important. The frames you will pick will later define you as a person until you get the next pair of glasses. So, always when choosing a new pair of glasses try to do it wisely. Avoid choosing a pair of glasses that does not suit your face shape or you will end up with trendy oversize blocky gold frames that are too embarrassing to even think back on.

You have to clean your lenses all the time

Yes, this is one of the glasses-wearers problems that most people find most difficult. Having to keep your glasses lens clean all the time is crucial, otherwise, you may risk having dirty lenses that won’t allow you to see through them.

Glasses Wearers Problems

Wearing non-cotton clothing becomes an issue

Most people use their clothing for lens cleaners. Well, that will work perfectly if you are wearing cotton clothes. But, once you dress yourself up in non-cotton clothes, glasses-wearers problems may occur. You will have no way of cleaning your glasses.

Every night before bed and whenever you shower, you’re basically at the mercy of the world

It has happened to most women to use conditioner instead of shampoo once they enter the bathroom without glasses. That is one of the most common glasses-wearers problems ever. Once you take the glasses off you may feel like a completely blind person. Well, do not worry at all. You are not the only one. And, you can always read the names of the product before you take the glasses off and enter the bathroom.

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People assume you are smart

Most people consider this as an advantage instead of a disadvantage. But, still, people wearing glasses won’t agree with them. They, on the opposite, consider this as one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems ever. The level of intelligence is indeed totally independent of the fact that one is wearing glasses.

Doing any kind of sport is so much more difficult

Do you like running? Or playing football? Oh, you may also like swimming. Good luck to you with the glasses sliding down your face. And, good luck to you for seeing through the non-prescription swimming goggles. People wearing glasses will agree that doing any kind of sport is one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems ever because you can almost do no sport, or do it with many difficulties.

When people try on your glasses and say “Oh my god! I am going to be blind! ”

Yes, this is one of the most awkward situations and one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems ever. No one will feel happy to hear such words, so if you are a non-glasses person, avoid telling this to people who have to wear glasses. It is rude!

Or, when people try on your glasses and say “Oh my god! You are blind”

This is even ruder than the previous phrase. No one will feel comfortable hearing these words. Avoid saying this to people wearing glasses. You can hurt their feelings. Having to wear glasses is enough painful issue for them. Don’t make things even worse.

.Glasses Wearers Problemssource

You have to be extra vigilant when the weather changes

Weather changes can be one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems. For example, when it is raining, you have to protect your glasses, or else you will have to deal with cleaning them yet again. Also, entering a warm room in cold weather can be a problem too. You will have to deal with fogged glasses and wait for around 10 minutes until they defogged again.


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Wearing glasses can be a real problem during summer. You may like to wear sunglasses, but this is impossible. And this is one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems that you can face. The solution: wear sunglasses, but avoid doing any activity that requires vision!


People wearing glasses know how challenging kissing can be with the glasses on. This is one of the biggest glasses-wearers problems that people face. Removing them is a solution, but there always comes the question of when to do it. It is too late to take off the glasses? Or, is it too early? Eternal dilemma!

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