It is not only to wear some make up,but when it comes for make up it has to suit you to your eye-colour and style.Wearing a make up is essential nowadays in some occasions and you are the one choosing weather it would be more glamorous or more natural (depends on the event).
You can be courageous to play with the colours such as the pastel ones,black,ink,gold and you can also add some glitters that will bring a fantastic glamour to your eyes and make you look irresistible.But if you want more natural look,the brown shadows combined with eyeliner and some mascara are a perfect combination that makes you look natural and attractive at the same time.So, in case you ran out of make up ideas ,or you don’t know which colours you should choose for your eye colour and shape,you can have a look at our suggestions below that are easy to make and you can surely recognize your eye colour and choose your perfect combination!