Every woman is special in her own way. But there is always something specific for all women. And it is called female logic. Looking around the net we have found some really cool and exciting photos that explain female logic but that none, especially men, can understand. In the article below, we have tried to make it easier for you to understand certain women’s acts according to female logic. We hope they will help you understand women better. If don’t, do not worry at all, you are not alone. More than half of the people living on Earth are in the same position as you. What we are really sure of is that you will definitely have fun while exploring these female logic examples. Enjoy!
Women trying to change the man they love
There is nothing permanent but change. People change with every single day that they spend on Earth. Every new experience is a new way to think, act and be! And, this is all reasonable and we all understand it. But, what happens when a woman tries to change the man that she is in love with? Trying to change the physical aspects of your loved one goes beyond female logic. Especially, when you figure out that the new man that came out of the change is not the same person that you fell in love with.
A guide to women’s logic vs. What men understand about women
You have probably already seen these books on the bookstores’ shelves. The first one with thousand of pages explaining everything about female logic. And, the second one with only a few pages, describes the so little things that men understand about women. What is the funny thing? Both books are blank pages. Yes, you may be surprised but there is no guide to female logic. And, there is of course no man alive that could ever understand women’s logic. Ever!
Curly hair vs. straight hair logic
We all know that the grass is always greener on the other side of the bench. What does this mean when it comes to hairstyle? The “never-understood female logic” of wishing a straight hair when having curly one and the reverse. This may be really difficult for men to understand. But, for women, it is so simple! Women having curly hair are never happy with the look of their curls, and they tend to straighten their hair. On the other side, women with “the curse” of having straight hair spend hours in front of the mirror, holding a curling iron and trying to get the best curls ever.
The “ON SALE” trap
Women are famous for loving shopping. And wasting money! But, sometimes, they do not want to spend a huge amount on an item (read: bag, heels…) because they consider that it is not really worth the price. That makes sense. No one should buy things that are too expensive and over their budget, especially when it comes to clothes and accessories. Wise shopping is everything! Or, maybe not! Because what happens when a woman sees the “ON SALE” sign? Everything related to logic and wise shopping instantly disappears. And, all the female logic rules wake up. Women, then spend the same amount of money on an item just because they think it is one sale and with a smaller price. And, they think that they just made a good shopping deal, no matter the fact that they are buying it for the same price as before the sale.
Nothing is wrong vs. Everything is wrong
We are all aware that women sometimes know to exaggerate. Sometimes! So, you need to be really experienced to recognize the moment. Or, to know a lot about female logic, which as we said before is impossible. Here is a little hint from our team. Anytime you hear a woman saying that nothing is wrong, then believe us, this means that everything is wrong. And, that you did something really wrong (because she didn’t). On the other side, when she says that everything is wrong, do not worry at all. She is exaggerating. Nothing is wrong at all. It is all fine. And you can continue breathing.
The trap question: Do you think I am fat?
If you are a man, and you have been asked this question, for God, never answer it! It is the trap question. And, there is no correct answer to it. Whatever you answer will be taken against you. So forget everything about saying no, because your woman and her female logic will understand that you are lying even before you say the letter “O”. And, do not even think about answering Yes, because no woman alive, even the one that is most aware that she is not fat, will ever want to hear such bullshit. Do you now understand why we call it the trap question?