Category - WOMAN

round face hairstyles

Amazing Round Face Hairstyles For A WOW Look

One of the crucial keys in choosing the right hairstyle for you is the face shape. Many people spend their entire life disappointed with their looks just because of the wrong hairstyle. Whether or not a hairstyle works...

How To Style Cardigans This Fall And Look Modern

One of the most versatile pieces in your wardrobe is definitely the humble cardigan. You can wear cardigans from summer to winter. And, it is the best thing to add to your outfit in fall. It will keep you warm and will...

Ways to Feel More Confident During a Social Event

Social events might be exciting for some people, but others don’t like them. Interacting with others, especially strangers, isn’t the most comfortable feeling. It could be due to your lack of confidence in talking to...

fall dress

10 Best Fall Dresses on

As the temperatures drop, it’s time to think about dresses that offer a little more warmth and provide you with great style. DressBarn has a wide variety of dresses available online that will work with sandals or...

How to Recover Hair Volume Loss Over Forty

How to Recover Hair Volume Loss Over Forty?

Do not be alarmed if you have noticed your hair thinning. Expectedly, you experience volume loss over forty as another symptom of the changes that may have started in your body. Differences are both felt and seen, and...

how to choose bikini

Choosing the right bikini for your body type

One size fits all, is a quote that is not true if you are planning to buy a Bikini for yourself. A bikini is not just a piece of clothing, it is an attire that brings the best part of your personality out and helps you...

autumn wardrobe

5 Essential Wardrobe Pieces For A Stylish Autumn Look

Everyone loves the nice and warm summer days, but there is something about fall that gets us excited and we simply can’t wait to embrace it. With so many different outfit ideas, the season of extra layers has finally...


Denim is Forever: Tips for Looking After your Jeans

Jeans are one of the most popular forms of clothing all over the world. Worn by men, women and children, they are a garment that has been with us for close to 150 years, and is one that can be found on all four corners...

choose best clothing style

Finding the Style and Routine that Works for You

Let’s face it, 2020 needs a do-over. Badly. For all sorts of reasons, most of us are over and done with this year. And it’s far from finished. But just because we can’t take a mulligan on 2020 or fast forward to 2021...