Category - WOMAN

Stylish Ways To Wear Gemstone Jewelry

2021 is about to get more colorful, with style experts predicting that gemstone jewelry will be one of the hottest trends of the year. Back in July, fashionistas and couture enthusiasts got a glimpse of this trend when...

Coin Necklace

Everything You Need To Know Before Buying Coin Necklace

As all fashion evolves and moves from style to style, so does jewelry. The new jewelry craze has now become focused on coin based jewelry, particularly coin necklaces. This trend has blown up and is available on both...

fashion style

6 Style Choices That Will Always be in Fashion

Most fashions come and go, but some things transcend the fad and will always look stylish. It’s worth investing in these basics and choosing quality items since you’ll be able to wear them for years to come...

Essentials for Your Winter Sports Wardrobe

6 Essentials for Your Winter Sports Wardrobe

After a year like 2020, it’s no surprise that we’re all itching to get back outside and enjoy our fitness routines again. Running, hiking, cycling are all fabulous ways to increase our aerobic fitness and...