
What Are The Dos and Don’ts After Lip Fillers?

What Are The Dos and Donts After Lip Fillers?

Lip injections in Miami are some of the most popular cosmetic procedures, and lip fillers are among the most commonly used dermal fillers. They make your lips appear fuller. If you want to increase the volume of your lips or improve skin and deep lines around your mouth, lip fillers might be the right thing to do, but what are the dos and don’ts after lip fillers?

Many people are worried about lip filler aftercare after having had lip injections. This kind of cosmetic injectable injection has grown in popularity in recent years, and this article is dedicated to addressing some of those fears and answering those questions.


If you had a numbing treatment, sit tight until the numbing has worn off before eating. Eating while numb can be challenging and risky, but the numbness should wear off in a few hours or less.

Resist messy or difficult-to-eat foods. Stick to foods that are easy to eat if you want to keep your mouth clean and avoid scraping or rubbing it. You should also avoid overly extending or pursing your lips.

It is also advised to avoid foods that are highly salty or spicy after lip treatments. Salty or peppery foods can irritate your lips, causing you to contract or squish them.

Smoking and Drinking

It is wise to avoid drinking alcohol or smoking for 24 hours after receiving lip fillers. Alcohol thins the blood and increases the likelihood of scars, inflammation, and bulging. Drinking alcohol can also dehydrate you, so drink plenty of water and keep hydrated after getting lip fillers.

Smoking should be avoided for at least 24–48 hours after getting lip fillers. It has been shown that smoking increases the risk of infection after receiving lip fillers, so it should be avoided. Smoking also causes your lips to contract, which can cause tension after injections.


Showering is allowed after receiving lip filler injections. To reduce the risk of infection, keep your face clean.

Use gentle, fragrance-free skincare and cleaning products. When rinsing around your face, use caution. Exfoliation products should be avoided. When showering, avoid touching your lips directly.


Stay away from exercise for at least 24 hours. You should probably avoid those that stimulate blood flow to your face, as they cause inflammation. While the procedure does not require much downtime, it is still advised to do everything you can to help your body heal.

Do Not Tamper With The Area Before The Procedure

This means you should avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or using hair removal cream around your lips for at least a few days before getting fillers. This may result in issues with recovery, disease, or inflammation.


Kissing can stress the lips and cause an infection (there are a lot of bacteria in the mouth! ), so avoid kissing for 48–72 hours after lip filler treatment. Your lips will most likely be tender and puffy, so kissing may not be appealing. Lip massage should also be avoided. Kissing is acceptable after your lips have healed.


Pain relievers such as Tylenol are commonly used to treat any pain or swelling caused by lip filler. NSAID pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or Motrin, must be avoided because they act as blood thinners, increasing bruising and swelling.

Arnica cream can help reduce bruising in the targeted area. Vitamin E supplements can aggravate bruising and should be avoided for a few days after injection.

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