There’s no doubt that we all love and cherish our collection of fine jewelry. Every piece is a precious possession that we wear, enjoy and plan to pass on to our children someday. Taking proper care of them can...
What really caught my attention these days while I was travelling through the country were the poppy fields. Their bold red color makes it almost impossible not to notice them and I started thinking about their...
Image source: To start any business running, you have to come up with an idea. Besides, to make that idea come true, you need to have finances as well. Fortunately, there are many ways to work around this...
How many times have you seen a side hairstyle and admired it? Have you visited your hair professional and asked for a side hairstyle? These hairstyles are really flattering and are amazing for different types of...
Do you always admire a finished makeup look and wonder how these people manage to do it? I enjoy seeing the whole process cause it gives me a chance to learn and try to recreate it myself, so this is the main reason I...
It’s spring time ladies, and what’s a better way to do a lively manicure than to embrace lots of colors in one design? I’m a huge fan of the watercolor technique and I love to see it everywhere. As I...
If you can’t stand much the cold temperatures you are probably saving the skirt outfits for spring and summer when the weather gets nice, so here I will show you some interesting combinations that will inspire you...
A pair of sunglasses should not only give you a stylish look but also play a protective role for your eyes. Therefore, when checking out the best sunglasses, you should always consider essential features such as quality...
Are you always trying hard to find time to look good? Do you envy girls and women when you see them polished from head to toe and wonder how they manage it all? Well, the key is to good organization, planning and quick...
Achieving a cool and fashionable look does not always mean that you have to break the bank. Today, great style is achievable at reasonable prices and in a myriad of sizes. This is all thanks to the increase in the...